
Biff is a boxer. He is a show dog -- he performs under the name Champion Hi-Tech's Arbitrage -- and so looking good is not mere vanity; it's business. A show dog's career is short, and judges are unforgiving. Each breed is judged by an explicit standard for appearance and temperament, and then there's the incalculable element of charisma in the ring. When a show dog is fat or lazy or sullen, he doesn't win; when he doesn't win, he doesn't enjoy ancillary benefits of being a winner, like appearances as the celebrity spokesmodel on packages of Pedigree Mealtime with Lamb and Rice, which Biff will be doing soon, or picking the best-looking bitches and charging them six hundred dollars or so for his sexual favors, which Biff does three or four times a month. Another ancillary benefit of being a winner is that almost every single weekend of the year, as he travels to shows around the country, he gets to hear people applaud for him and yell his name and tell him what a good boy he is, which is something he seems to enjoy at least as much as eating a bar of soap.

Biff is a boxer. He is a show dog -- he performs under the name Champion Hi-Tech's Arbitrage -- and so looking good is not mere vanity; it's business. A show dog's career is short, and judges are unforgiving. Each breed is judged by an explicit standard for appearance and temperament, and then there's the incalculable element of charisma in the ring. When a show dog is fat or lazy or sullen, he doesn't win; when he doesn't win, he doesn't enjoy ancillary benefits of being a winner, like appearances as the celebrity spokesmodel on packages of Pedigree Mealtime with Lamb and Rice, which Biff will be doing soon, or picking the best-looking bitches and charging them six hundred dollars or so for his sexual favors, which Biff does three or four times a month. Another ancillary benefit of being a winner is that almost every single weekend of the year, as he travels to shows around the country, he gets to hear people applaud for him and yell his name and tell him what a good boy he is, which is something he seems to enjoy at least as much as eating a bar of soap.
比夫是一个拳师狗(德国原产的狗,体格中型、强壮)。 他是在Champion Hi-Tech's Arbitrage旗下的一条名副其实的参赛狗,这是商业。参赛狗的职业生涯是短暂的并且裁判也时无情的。 每一个品种都是根据详尽的外形和气质标准作出判断,会在拳击场有着非凡的魅力。 当一条参赛狗是肥胖的、懒散的或乖戾的, 他不会获胜;他不获胜就不会享有胜利者的相关好处,名流会进餐时间享用宝路狗粮掺着羔羊肉和米饭,比夫马上就要开始, 或者选择最好看的母狗并付给她们六百美元作为性资, 比夫一个月做三或四次。作为胜利者另一个从属的好处是每年的每个周末, 如同他在全国旅行参赛, 他可以听到人们为他鼓掌欢迎,大声地喊着他的名字并告诉他他是好样的,在他看来这至少是和吃长条肥皂一样的享受。
第1个回答  2009-02-03