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关键词 反倾销/纺织品/应对策略
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China's textile industry should face of foreign anti-dumping measures

To pick

Ad as Gatt and the World Trade Organization that the trade protection measures and permission is internationally recognized means of protecting domestic industries, and is also used against unfair competition necessary tools. It forms a legitimate, easy to implement and can easily lead to the effective protection of domestic industries, and without retaliation characteristics. In recent years, China has repeated anti-dumping in foreign textiles, causing great harm to China's foreign trade has had a serious effect on our textile exports. My textiles abroad to explore allegations of reasons, the analysis of the characteristics of foreign antidumping and take corresponding countermeasures, the textile industry in our country has become imperative to further expand the international market, has also become a focus of concern theorists. This will be through the analysis of the status of foreign anti-dumping and textiles China features from the international environment to its own advantages and disadvantages, and other aspects of my own textiles suffered a possibility of anti-dumping analysis that the alleged dumping of textiles after the establishment of harm, Finally-two from the macro and micro perspective on how to deal with our foreign anti-dumping China textiles.

Keyword ad / textile / countermeasures .