
The manager of a small building company was very surprised to get a bill for two white mice which one of his workmen had bought. He sent for the workman and asked him why he had had the bill sent to the company. ‘Well',the workman answered,‘you remember the house we were repairing in Newbridge last week, don't you? One of the things we had to do there was to put in some new electric wiring. Well,in one place we had to pass some wires through a pipe thirty feet long and about an inch across, which was built into solid stone and had four big bends in it.None of us could think how to do this until I had a good idea.I went to a shop and bought two white mice, one of them male and and the other female.Then I tied a thread to the body of the male mouse and put him into the pipe at one end, while Bill held the female mouse at the other end and pressed her gently to make her squeak. When the male mouse heard the female mouse's squeaks, he rushed along the pipe to help her. I suppose he was a gentleman even though he was only a mouse. Anyway,as he ran through the pipe, he pulled the thread behind him. It was then quite easy for us to tie one end of the thread to the electric wires and pull them through the pipe.' The manager paid the bill for the white mice.

一家小建筑工司的经理收到了他的一个工人买的两只小白鼠的帐单,他很惊讶。他找来了这个工人,问他为什么让公司付这笔帐。 “噢,”这个工人说,“你还记得我们上周维修的新桥那边的那栋房子,是不是?我们的工作之一是铺设一些新电线。而有一处是需要把电线穿过一段三十英尺长,一英寸粗的管子,而这段管子是固定在坚固的墙里,而且还有四个拐弯。我们都没有办法。后来我想出了一个办法。我去买了两只小白鼠,其中一只是公的,一只是母的。我把一根线绑在公鼠身上,把它放进管子的一端,而比尔在管子的另一端轻轻地捏那只母鼠,让它发出吱吱的叫声。公鼠听到母鼠的叫声,立刻跑过去帮母鼠。我想尽管它只是一只老鼠,可它还挺绅士的。就这样,它穿过管子,也把线带了过去。这样我们很容易地把电线和那根线栓在一起,把电线穿过了管子。”经理付了这两只白鼠的帐单。
第1个回答  2012-03-31