
摘要 实现会计电算化,是会计工作现代化的重要组成部分,也是会计改革的重要内容,然而,从目前我国会计电算化的情况来看,会计岗位设置不合理是影响整个电算化向深层次发展的主要原因之一,因为会计内容繁多,复杂,只有进行科学的岗位分工,使之规范化,科学化并落实岗位责任制,才能使整个会计
如果不及时地调整并建立起与之相适应的会计电算化岗位制度,使会计岗位分工,责任尽可能地比较规范,科学,就无法保证会计工作的正常进行,会计电算化在企业管理中的整体优势不能充分发挥,同时,对提高财务人员的素质也是不利的。因此,在会计电算化下科学, 地设置会计岗位,明确各岗位的责任是十分有必要研究的。
关键字:会计电算化 岗位责任制 规范法科学化

Abstract: the realization of computerized accounting, accounting is an important part of the modernization of, is also the important content of accounting reform, however, from the present our country accountant the computerization accounting situation, post setting unreasonable is affecting the entire computerization develops to deep administrative levels is one of the main reasons, because the accounting content of many, complex, only science the division of labor, made standardization, scientification and carry out the post responsibility system, to make the accounting

Computerization system efficient and coordinated development.

If not timely adjust and establish a corresponding computerized accounting post system, make the accounting division of posts of responsibility as far as possible, more normative, scientific, cannot ensure the accounting work, accounting computerization in the enterprise management of the overall advantages can not fully play, at the same time, to improve the quality of financial personnel is a disadvantage. Therefore, in the accounting computerization of science, set accountant post, the post responsibility is very necessary to study the.

Keywords: accounting computerization system of post responsibility norms of law science