
活跃 自信,知福福常在 随缘缘自来。勤学精思眼界开妙思巧学字智慧来。

Golds can't trade a good opportunity
Happiness will often knock your door if you cherish it
A romantic love would come if we take it casually

活跃 自信,知福福常在 随缘缘自来。勤学精思眼界开妙思巧学字智慧来。
Being active, confidient,Happiness will often knock your door if you cherish it,A romantic love would come if we take it casually ,you can get the wisdon with the quialities of diligent study, informed think,open mind,changeable means in study.


Pull your heart boat on shore if tired, Do not reget if you are wrong, be happy about what you have if you are desperate,be strong if you are miserable , understand unforgettable if we once used to drunk, sense the beauty if we once laugh, talk to me if you fell dull.
第1个回答  2007-12-10
The opportunity not to be exchanged for gold, knows the lucky luck often in, along with the reason reason originally.
活跃 自信,知福福常在 随缘缘自来。勤学精思眼界开妙思巧学字智慧来。
Active self-confident, knows the lucky luck often along with the reason reason originally.Diligently studies fine thinks the field of vision to open thinks wonderfully the skillful study character wisdom.

Tired approach shored the heart, have not had to regret mistakenly, has known painstakingly satisfies, injuried has understood strongly, was drunk has known unforgettablily, smiled the experience to be beautiful, stuffy has asked me to chat
第2个回答  2007-12-10
The opportunity what money does not exchange, knows the lucky luck often in, along withthe reason reason originally.
Active is self-confident, knows the lucky luck often along with thereason reason originally. Diligently studies fine thinks the field ofvision to open wonderfully thinks the skillful study character wisdom.
Tired approach shored the heart, mistakenly have not had to regret,painstakingly has known satisfies, injuried has understood strongly,was drunk has known unforgettablily, has smiled the experiencebeautifully, was stuffy has asked me to chat