

1、Eat new year's Eve dinner(吃年夜饭):

Eating New Year's Eve is the most lively and happy time for every household during the Spring Festival. 

New Year's meals are cooked a few days ago, and New Year's Eve meals are always cooked on the 30th day of New Year's Eve.

In the north, dumplings for New Year's Day are also packed in the evening.

There are many famous halls for New Year's Eve dinner. There are dumplings, wonton, long noodles, Lantern Festival and so on in different parts of the country. 

People in the north are used to eating dumplings during the Spring Festival, which means to alternate the old with the new.

The custom of eating dumplings was handed down from the Han Dynasty.

Legend has it that Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage, saw that the ears of the poor were frozen, and made a "Quhan Jiao Er Tang" to treat the frostbite of the poor. 

He used mutton, chili pepper and some medicinal materials to dispel cold and warm, wrapped his ears in a skin, cooked them in a pot, and distributed them to the poor. 

After eating, people felt warm all over and their ears became hot. Later, people followed suit and spread to today.






2、stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve(守岁):

Waiting for the New Year's Eve is one of the most important activities. 

New Year's Eve refers to the evening of the last day of the lunar month, which is connected with the beginning and end of the Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month).

New Year's Eve means "the end of the month". People have to get rid of the old and the new. 

They have to get rid of the old and change the new year in the coming year.
The custom of keeping the age has a long history. 

The custom of keeping the age of one's life, which was first recorded in the Zhou Dynasty of the Western Jin Dynasty, not only cherishes the passing years like water, but also hopes for the coming New Year.

Li Shimin, Taizong of Tang Dynasty, wrote the poem "Shou Sui": "Cold quit winter snow, warm bring spring breeze". Today, people are still accustomed to the New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve.




唐太宗李世民写有“守岁”诗:“寒辞去冬雪,暖带入春风”。直到今天, 人们还习惯在除夕之夜守岁迎新。

3、New Year's money(压岁钱):

New Year's money is given to the younger generation by the elders, and encourages the children and grandchildren to learn and grow in the new year, and to be a good man. 

Some parents put their children under their pillows after they are asleep at night. 

More children gather in the main hall to shout happy New Year for grandparents, parents and kneel in line, and then reach out to ask for red envelopes.

New Year's money for New Year's Day reflects the elders'care for the younger generation and their respect for the elders.

There are nursery rhymes: Samsung in the south, family New Year's greetings; the kowtow of the younger generation, the money of the older generation. If you don't want money, turn your face and leave.




