


IN 是被包围或被围绕,如果你想说某物被什么东西包围或围绕,这就是你要找的介词。This word means surrounded by or encircled by.

例如:Right now, I am in my room.现在,我在房间里。

即:There are four walls, a ceiling and a floor. I am surrounded by the room.这儿有四堵墙,一个天花板和一个地板。我被整个房间包围。

这也适用于城市和国家。你周围是哪个国家?那么你就在这个国家!在水中也是一样~    What country are you surrounded by? Then you are in this country!

例如:I am in the United States of America. I am in New York City.我在美利坚合众国。我在纽约。

She is in the pool. She is in the ocean. å¥¹åœ¨æ¸¸æ³³æ± é‡Œã€‚她在海里。
He is in the lake or pond or bathtub.他在湖里、池塘或浴缸里。

同样,如果你被某一地点所包围,就可以用in。Again, if you are surrounded by the location, then you are in that location.

例如:I am in bed. æˆ‘在床上。(被子盖在我身上,或者我在毯子下面)。
You can find the answer in the book. ä½ å¯ä»¥åœ¨ä¹¦ä¸­æ‰¾åˆ°ç­”案。(答案在书里,如果这本书合起来就更容易想象了)。
He looks so cute in the picture.他在照片里看起来很可爱。(照片的轮廓或框架围绕着他)。
Betty is in school. è´è’‚在上学。(这意味着她是学生而不是单纯地人在学校里)。


如:I will see you in two weeks.我两周后见你。She will graduate in 4 years.她将在4年内毕业。

ON 是指特定的位置,这个位置更具体。the word on means specific location.

例如:I am in my room, but I am on a chair.我在房间里,但我坐在椅子上。

I have given you a more specific location to help you locate me.
假如你去找钥匙,别人告诉你The keys are in the living room(钥匙就在客厅里),你可能要花很长时间才找到。但如果告诉你The keys are on the table(钥匙在桌子上),你会更容易找到它们。

例如:I am on the bed. æˆ‘在床上。(我没有盖被子或毯子)

Her office is on the third floor. 她的办公室在三楼。(建筑物中的特定位置)


例如:My wife calls and says, Where are you?.我妻子打电话说,你在哪里?回答可以是I am at home.(我在家里。)

可以使用at的场景是:They are at the beach. 他们在海滩上。(海滩很大。)

They are at the airport.他们在机场。I am at the hotel or conference.我在旅馆或在开会。Sara is at work.萨拉在上班。Someone is at the door.有人在门口。(这表示在门旁边有许多不同的地方可以站着,可能只要移动1厘米,你就站在一个“新”的位置。)

Bob is at school.鲍伯在上学。


例如:I have English class at 8 a.m.我在8点上英语课。

Please, be careful when driving at night.晚上开车时要小心。


My birthday is in December. 我的生日在十二月。(这里只说月份,没说具体日期就可以用in,年份同理)

I have breakfast in the morning.我早上吃早饭。(下午afternoon,和晚上evening也一样,但night常与at搭配)


I have English class on Tuesday. æˆ‘星期二有英语课。(这是指一周中的特定一天)。
I love to relax on the weekend.我喜欢在周末放松一下。

My birthday is on December 7th. 我的生日是12月7日。

I will have brunch on Monday morning.我星期一上午吃早午餐。

She went dancing on Saturday night.她星期六晚上去跳舞了。

They went to a restaurant on Friday evening.星期五晚上他们去了一家餐馆。


如果交通工具的空间比较大,你可以在上面走动,就用on,下去用get off。

例如:I was on the plane when you called me. ä½ æ‰“电话给我时我在飞机上。(飞机上有足够的空间走动)

I was on the bus yesterday. æ˜¨å¤©æˆ‘在公共汽车上。(同样,你有足够的空间在公共汽车上走动)

当交通工具空间比较小,有一种人被包围其中的感觉时,就用in,下车用get out of。例如:

Get in the car. ä¸Šè½¦ã€‚
Be careful when you get in the taxi.上出租车时要小心。
