

第1个回答  2014-02-25
英的:The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in but power always find a place to rest its head.We fought and bled alongside the Russians, we shoulda known they'd hate us for it.History is written by the victor, and here I'm thinking we'd won.But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.Locations change, the rationale, the objective.Yesterday's enemies are today's recruits.Train they to fight alongside you, and pray they don't eventually decide to hate you for it too.Same shit, different day, you know what I'm looking for Sergeant Foley, keep your eyes open.中:物极必反,变化越大,也就越趋近于其最初的形态。斗转星移,新对手加入,但权力始终能找到一个地方停靠。我们同俄罗斯人一起浴血奋斗。我们早该知道,他们会因此痛恨我们。历史由胜利者书写,而我曾觉得胜利者是我们。但每当你击倒一个敌人,就会有更棘手的家伙出现。地点变了,理由变了,目标也变了。昨天的敌人是今天的新兵训练他们同你一起战斗,同时也要祈祷他们不会因此而决定痛恨你