


1688 年 英国 经过光荣革命后进入了君主立宪制国家 走上了资本主义 而中国仍处于封建制度的统治下 在清朝时 集权制度发展到了顶峰
第1个回答  2017-01-19
whatever fucing cumi xi failed to achieve. they all achieved successfully
cumi xi didn't allow people to discuss or say single word about his policy,however, in british, citizen can decide the path of kingdom itself by voting in their own wills.
cumi xi never think about whether his policy is right or wrong, he do it only for the convenience of his rule. but in UK, citizen can say no to policies issued by government
cumi xi's government never fail a single sue,however in uk, u and every people can sue government if you are right or your legal rights being offended by government, or ,sometime, even bring down a government.
they say in united kingdom, we have an emperor. but compared with cumi xi, i don't really think british emperor live up to his title