
3.工作的压力超出了他所能忍受的程度(working pressure)
4.我们刚一举步就下起雨来了 (no sooner....than)

1.He dreams of settling down in the countryside when he retired.
2.The news that he died shocked me terribly.
3.The working pressure goes beyond what he can endure.
4.No sooner had we stepped out when it suddenly began to rain.
5.Hardly had he had time to explain when the teacher went out of the classroom angrily.

第1个回答  2012-10-21
1.He dreamed of after retirement settle down in the country.
2.The news of his death let me shocked.
3.The pressure of work beyond the he could bear degree.
4.We had hardly begun to walk before it began to rain.
5.He had hardly had time to explain, the teacher angry came out of the classroom.
第2个回答  2012-10-21
1 After he retired in 1 dreams settled in the country ( dream )
2 the news of his death shocked me ( shock )
3 work pressure than he could tolerate degree ( working pressure )
4 as soon as we started when it began to rain ( no sooner... .than )
5 he could explain, the teacher became angry out of the classroom ( hardly... When )
第3个回答  2012-10-21
1.He settled in the country after the retirement of dream in
2 the news of his death shocked me
3 work pressure than he could tolerate degree
4 as soon as we started when it began to rain
5 he could explain, the teacher became angry out of the classroom