

1 我与苦难的亲密接触
2 一生之计在于“今”
3 家----爱的港湾
4 让生命飘出幽香
5 挫折着,美丽着
6 一头白发,满山青葱(以:环保“为话题)
7 别了,漫画书(以”书“为话题)
8 两只流泪的爱情鱼(以”人与自然“为话题)
9 Internet,my love(以”电脑“为话题)
10 心泉叮咚(以母爱为话题)
11 ABCD---梦开始的地方(以理想为话题)
12 1234567 (以友谊为话题)
13 给我一双翅膀
14 幸福,在那一刻绽放
15 宽容世界,快乐自己
16 那一刻,我含泪微笑
17 瞬间=永恒
18 听,长城在哭
19 你也是一道风景
20 手掌上的阳光
22 寻觅彩虹的日子
23 感谢阳光雨露
24 留一步与人
25 成长日记
第1个回答  2013-11-21
第2个回答  2013-11-21
1 I close contact with the suffering
2 life is "today"
3 - love
4 let life savoir fragrance
5 setbacks, beautiful
6 grey hair and green mountain (in) : environmental protection "for the subject
7 don't, comic books (" book "for the subject)
8 two fish (with tears of love between man and nature ", "for the subject)
9 the Internet, my love (" computer "for the subject)
10 XinQuan ding-dong (to mother for topic)
11 ABCD - began to dream about ideal place (),
Friendship is 1234567 (12 topics)
And give me a pair of wings
14 happiness, at that moment
15 tolerance world, joy
And at that moment, I tearful smile
17 instant = eternity
18, Great Wall in tears
You are a scenery
20 hands of sunshine
21 a bag of parents
22 days of searching the rainbow
Thanks to the 23
24 leave step and people
25 growth diary本回答被网友采纳