
which of the tow poems do you prefer
the second one ,of course ,i think it is really ........ most interesting . 怎么看出这句不用the 并且most是表非常的意思
听力, a doctor once said a cold with treatment last for a week and seven days without it 什么意思呢?
阅读,讲制造机器人。 he said i want to make her (a robot) look ,feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion
question , what will he probably do with her in the future ?
a he wants to make her perfect
b he will make her more human-like
The pot calling the kettle black为什么都是壶的意思?
being single and fabulous 身为贵族, 怎么fabulous是其他的意思、

你最好把整句话都显示出来,断章取义是很容易出错的,尤其是英语要联系上下文和语境。阅读题不能想当然, look ,feel and act as human as possible 已经指出他是想让那个机器人不管是从外表、感觉、动作行为都尽可能得和人类一模一样,she can be the perfect companion,这样她才会成为一个好伴侣。A选项曲解了这句话的意思。
The pot calling the kettle black。这是一句习语,锅嫌壶黑,就是五十步笑百步的意思。
第1个回答  2012-06-21
the most interesting,最有趣的,the 一边不能省略,且用在三者及三者以上。文章只有两岁诗,所以most改为more好一些。另外,"tow" 应为"two"吧。

呵呵。是选择题不可以改, 选A

第2个回答  2012-06-22