





n. 注释;解释;评注




1. marginal annotation - 边注

2. critical annotation - 批评注释

3. explanatory annotation - 解释性注解

4. textual annotation - 文本注解

5. manual annotation - 手动注释

6. automatic annotation - 自动注释


1. He made several annotations in the margin of the book.


2. The teacher asked us to write critical annotations of the poem.


3. The textbook has explanatory annotations for difficult words.


4. Manual annotation is time-consuming but necessary.


5. With the help of AI, we can do automatic annotation.


6. Textual annotation helps us understand the text better.



1. "Annotation" 作为名词,表示对文本、图像等的解释或评注。例如:"This book has a lot of annotations."(这本书有很多注释。)

2. "Annotation" 可以与其他词汇搭配,形成常见短语,如 "marginal annotation"(边注),"critical annotation"(批评注释),"explanatory annotation"(解释性注解),"textual annotation"(文本注解),"manual annotation"(手动注释),"automatic annotation"(自动注释)等。例如:"The professor made a marginal annotation on my essay."(教授在我的论文上做了边注。)

3. 在计算机科学中,"annotation" 还可以指程序代码中的一种标记,用来提供某些特定信息或提示编译器进行特定的编译优化。例如:"Java supports the use of annotations in the code."(Java支持在代码中使用注解。)

第1个回答  2022-11-08




First let me introduce myself. I am a girl from China.
Now let me tell you, you have to pensate for damaging my family's drum washer.
I usually like to have the washer's door open, use it as a goal, and again and again I would kick the football into the washer. Then again and again I take the blaim from my mother. One time, I kicked the ball into the washer, and it got stuck. Couldn't find a better way to get in unstuck, my mother had to deflate ball before taking it out. As a result, I was punished to do the housework for a week. Do you know why?
Because I admire you too much, the way you play football, the way you perform. I always dream one day I can do some sports with you.
I have to cheer for you when I see the way you playing football, no matter it's the U.S. MLS, or at AC in Milan. As long as you are in the game, everything is splendid.
No matter you sueed or fail, I will always support you.
I wish you and your family happy and healthy.
滚筒洗衣机: drum washer


This weblog has nothing to do with JAK, and the blog will reopen after everything settles down.



what does Jane do September 15?(翻译成英文) what is Jenny is School Day?(翻译成英文)



八大菜系 Eight Famous Cuisines
鲁菜 Lu Cuisine (Shandong Cuisine)
川菜 Chuan Cuisine (Sichuan Cuisine)
粤菜 Yue Cuisine (Guangdong Cuisine)
闽菜 Min Cuisine (Fujian Cuisine)
苏菜 Su Cuisine (Jiangsu Cuisine)
浙菜 Zhe Cuisine (Zhejiang Cuisine)
湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine)
徽菜 Hui Cuisine (Anhui Cuisine)


Singapore is a beautiful country, known as the "Garden City." Singapore has a good education is the place I want to learn. I love architecture, and in one of the best urban planning and architecture in Singapore is one worthy of my place to learn knowledge. BCA (this need not translate ~) is a good architecture school, is among the best in the world, it is my desire to learn. I think there a good method of education and advanced educational facilities can help me in learning more breakthroughs. In the BCA, it good enough for me to mention the learning conditions for learning science concepts, let me in the future to have a very good development. I will in such a good environment to study hard and fulfill my dream too.


Lexical meaning includes its figurative meaning, style and color, etc. To learn a foreign language students, not only to grasp the literal meaning, words to understand the cultural meaning, words, will make serious pragmatic errors. If our production "goat" brand alarm was exported to Britain, but very poor, the reason is not quality problem, also not the question of price, because the goat is "trademark use." "The goat" in Chinese language contains "learned" mean in English ", and "means" a goat, serious lascivious men ", so the British people reluctant to use. British people to view. In Chinese and English languages, the dog dog () the basic meaning is consistent, all domestic and gang guard home of a kind of animal. But its cultural connotation differences but meaning. "Dog" in English in most cases are used to describe the mendatory word, a sympathetic person, such as "webmaster" (like a dog to work hard, ") to dog "(holds a very responsible position)," a lucky dog "(lucky)," Love me, Love my dog "(from)," Love me, Love my dog dog and his day (Every dog has its). Obviously, these claims reflects the British cultural psychology, they see the dog for lovely panion, man's best friend, such as faithful as a "dog" to describe people's loyalty. But in Chinese language, sometimes with a "dog" word has clearly pejorative connotation, such as "stooges, LangXinGouFei, they can talk much tougher", etc. In our culture, the dragon (dragon) is our spiritual totem, symbolize good luck, authority, noble and prosperity. Feudal as a symbol of the emperor with dragons, our people as a descendant of the dragon and tiger. Some words such as "single interrupting my eloquent writing, ChengXiang dragon", as reflected in Chinese cultural connotation of dragon. And in English culture, "dragon" (person, esp. A fierce '- but the connotative meaning of evil. "dog" big differences in English in most cases are used to describe the mendatory word, a sympathetic person, such as "webmaster" (like a dog to work hard, ") to dog "(holds a very responsible position)," a lucky dog "(lucky)," Love me, Love my dog "(from)," Love me, Love my dog dog and his day (Every dog has its). Obviously, these claims reflects the British cultural psychology, they see the dog for lovely panion, man's best friend, such as faithful as a "dog" to describe people's loyalty. But in Chinese language, sometimes with a "dog" word has clearly pejorative connotation, such as "stooges, LangXinGouFei, they can talk much tougher" etc. In our culture, the dragon (dragon) is our spiritual totem, symbolize good luck, authority, noble and prosperity with dragons. Feudal China as a symbol of the emperor, who also as a descendant of the dragon was proud. Some words such as "single interrupting my eloquent writing, ChengXiang dragon", as reflected in Chinese cultural connotation of dragon. And in English, especially), is understood to shrew bared a terrible monsters, evil, the devil incarnate. Therefore, we take "Asian Tigers" for "Four Tigers of Asia", rather than "The Four Dragons of As". In English with "serve" crocodile hed been holding (crocodile tears), and Chinese mon "false" cat crying mice express the meaning. In English, "fish" contains pejorative connotation, such as "a good fish (poor), a dull fish (stupid), a loose fish (wild ghost)", and "in Chinese with more fish" homophonic, contains surplus. Therefore, our people, the Spring Festival eve when the table can not fish, to spare for wealthy symbolize. The "magpie" (English) is used to describe the magpies bugged, talkative, but in the Chinese people, the magpies and channel linked together.

In this thesis, Hua Ge real estate group pany as an example, the construction market breakthrough ideas of cost control, the establishment of investment control concept. With the target cost management as the main line, with the cost of system and contract planning as the core, prehensive, full participation in the whole process of cost management system. Combination of products and markets, management objectives to *** ysis, cost calculation and cost, project marketing positioning and technical management, the value of the product development cost management as the goal; and active, prehensive, dynamic cost management principles, and detailed cost management development management points, a prehensive *** ysis of past and present situation of Chinese Ge estate, and prudent presents Hua Ge estate future cost control direction.
