

Thanksgiving day is a western festival ,but it also tells us that we should own our thanks to our parents .
Since from the first day one one born ,the parents gave the love to their babies ,cared about the babies houth health development and living quality ,and saved up for our further study .they worked very hard .
Therefore ,we must own our thanks to the them ,we can do like these ,a warm hug ,giving a cup of tea when they were thirsty ,washing the dishes ,etc .好久没有碰过英语,都不会写了。
第1个回答  2012-06-26
Social progress day by day, from ancient times to today\u0026#39;s blind obedience of the material and spiritual aspects of themselves to two, and both reflect the Chinese people, \u0026quot;filial piety\u0026quot; attention. The foreign and different from us, they where the relationship between children and the elderly only money relationships, parents are only responsible for the children brought up, the rest indifferent, no relationship. And parents to old age, even children in groups, we would not have children and grandchildren, gathered together the scene, they are indifferent to money relations. I have heard such a thing, there is an old man living alone in the United States a small house in Los Angeles. One day when the postman to get clear pension