

第1个回答  2024-05-24

Purdue University, known for its Armstrong Hall of Engineering, is a prestigious public research institution with a rich history. Founded in 1869, the university was generously funded by John Purdue and established on land granted by the state of Indiana. With a commitment to quality education and affordable tuition, Purdue boasts a strong global reputation.

In 2012, the university ranked 23rd among public institutions in the US News & World Report's national university rankings. Often referred to as "Harvard of the Tourism Industry" and the "Mother of American Aerospace," Purdue's seal features a lion's body and eagle's head, symbolizing strength and authority, with three shields representing education, research, and service.

Situated in West Lafayette, Indiana, in the heart of the Midwest, Purdue is a state-supported university. The college of engineering stands out with a faculty that includes 20 American Academy of Engineering (AAE) members, two recipients of the National Academy of Inventors Technology and Innovation Awards, and over 66 recipients of the US National Science Foundation grants. The electrical and computer engineering department is particularly distinguished, housing four AAE members and two Gordon Prize laureates, among other accolades.

Purdue holds a special place in Chinese hearts, being the alma mater of renowned Chinese scientist, "Two Bombs, One Satellite" hero, Qian Jiaoxin, and also the university where抗日名将 Sun Li-nan pursued his bachelor's degree. In 2001, the university made history when it hired Professor塞尔文迪, an AAE member, as the first foreign dean of the industrial engineering department at Tsinghua University, setting a precedent for top international scholars in Chinese academia.

Notably, Purdue is renowned for its astronaut training, having graduated the largest number of astronauts in US universities, including the first moonwalker, Neil Armstrong, and 22 others. In 2009, the heroic pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger, who safely landed an injured plane on the Hudson River, saving 155 lives, was a Purdue graduate in industrial psychology.

Academically, Purdue enjoys a high standing, ranking 47th globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for academic reputation. This institution's excellence extends to fostering remarkable achievements in various fields, cementing its position as a leading academic powerhouse.


普度大学(英语:Purdue University,或译普渡大学),是拥有六个校区的州立大学系统,学生人数约四万人,主校区位于美国中西部印第安纳州西拉法叶。普度大学提供了超过210种的主修;最为人所知的是它的工学院;普度工学院提供了高竞争力的课程设计与具领先地位的系所,是全球顶尖的工程学校之一,在此发展出了数项创新,包含Wiki、世界上首台全电子电视、机器人的控制与远制技术等。美国新闻与世界报道排行中,普度工学院在2013年排行上为第9名,研究所为第10名; 总体上,普度大学在美国公立学校中排第18名,所有大学中为62名。
