

  It's time to set goals for kids.Set some exciting goal for yourself ,and show your children how to do the same . Children learn by example and what better example can you set than by showing them hwo to set goals?

  When you help your children set goals ,you should remember

  1)As much as possible ,let your children set the goals .Children need to have big goals broken down ,A goal to learn to spell five new words a week is better than a goal to win the national spelling contest!

  2)Have your children write their goals down .Write down not only the goals ,but also WHY they're important.

  3)Set a good example by having written goals of your own and let your children see you working towards them .

  4)Why not start using "New Month"goals in your family instead of “New Year”goals?That way ,you and your children can have all the excitement and motivation twelve times a year rather than just once !

  1.The writer seems to give some advice to parents
  2.Setting some exciting goals is the only way to help children
  3.Before setting goals for kids ,parents should set their own goals first
  4.It's better for children to set a big great goal than to set some small goals
  5.Children should not only write down the goals ,but also know the importance of them
  6.Parents should always be their children's examples
  7.We may get bored to set 12 goals a year
第1个回答  2012-08-07
,m( ore ) pollution habitation, keep, many, enough, another, polluting, more 这是完形啦,啥阅读理解,其实上下文基本上都会有相应的单词出现 .追问


第2个回答  2012-08-08
很久之前好像接触过 但是现在没有书了 说实话只凭着对内容大概的意思去找着文章,着实困难,更别说是英文的了。所以,不知道找此文是做什么的,找到的几率不是很大啊