
King Arthur is one of the great mythic figures of English literature. Dozens of legends and romantic images have grown up around him: the knights of the Round Table, Merlin the wizard, and the Holy Grail, to name a few. Historians can't decide whether anyone like Arthur ever existed, though most now accept that the legend is very loosely based on a real historical figure; he may have been a 5th or 6th century ruler name Arturus or Riothamus.

King Arthur is one of the great mythic figures of English literature. Dozens of legends and romantic images have grown up around him: the knights of the Round Table, Merlin the wizard, and the Holy Grail, to name a few. Historians can't decide whether anyone like Arthur ever existed, though most now accept that the legend is very loosely based on a real historical figure; he may have been a 5th or 6th century ruler name Arturus or Riothamus.

第1个回答  2008-02-17

第2个回答  2008-02-17
亚瑟王是英国文学中一个伟大的神话象征。许多传说和浪漫的幻想都是围绕着他来描述的:the knights of the round table, merlin the wizard, and the holy grail(列举的几个例子),举几个例子。虽然现在大多数人都已经自然的接受了这个传说是根据历史形象来发展的,但是历史学家们仍然无法断定亚瑟王是否真正存在过;他可能是第五或者第六世纪的统治者叫做亚瑟或者riothamus
第3个回答  2008-02-17
第4个回答  2008-02-17
亚瑟王是英国文学中一个伟大的神话人物. 围绕着他,众多的传奇和传奇性的典型人物形象诞生了---例如圆桌骑士,魔法师梅林,圣杯.虽然历史学家无法确定是否真的存在过类似如亚瑟的人,现在大多数人都接受这个传奇是稀疏地源于一个真实的历史人物的.他可能是五六世纪时一个名为Arturus或着Riothamus的统治者.