英语作文 1.写一封电子邮件,向你的朋友谈论假期生活安排(不少于300词)


1winter vacation plan
How time flies(时间过得真快),unconsciously(不知不觉地) the next winter vacation (寒假)will soon e.In order to improve(提高) myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan.
Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue it.I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业)and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes.
Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon e, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.
第1个回答  2023-04-22
Dear [friend's name],
I hope this email finds you well. It’s been a while since we’ve caught up, so I wanted to share with you how my holiday break was spent.
To start, I decided to visit my grandparents who live in the countryside. A change of scenery was needed after being cooped up at home for so long due to the pandemic. It was great to be surrounded by nature and breathe in fresh air. We went on daily walks to explore the nearby trails and spotted some wildlife too.
Next, I spent a few days in the city with my cousins. We went out to see some holiday lights displays and did some window shopping. We also checked out some cool cafes and restaurants that we’d been eager to try.
On New Year’s Eve, I had a small gathering with a few friends. We stayed in, ordered food and drinks, and played some board games. It was cozy and fun to ring in the new year with good company.
Lastly, before heading back home, I took a solo trip to the coast. The views were breathtaking and it was nice to have some time to myself to reflect on the past year and what I want to achieve in the new year. I surfed, went on hikes, and read some books while enjoying the sound of the waves crashing.
Overall, my holiday break was filled with diverse experiences that left me feeling recharged and ready for the year ahead. How was your holiday? I'd love to hear all about your adventures.
Take care and speak soon,
[Your Name]
第2个回答  2023-06-14

Subject: My Plans for the Coming Holiday

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I hope you are as excited as I am for the upcoming holiday season. I have so many plans for this break and I cannot wait to share them with you.

Firstly, I plan to travel to a new city that I have never been to before. I am looking forward to exploring a new place, experiencing its culture, and hopefully meeting some new people. In addition to that, I also plan to visit some of my old friends who live far away from me. We have been meaning to catch up for a long time, so I cannot wait to spend some quality time with them.

Moreover, I plan to use this break to finally finish that book that has been sitting on my shelf for months. I am also planning to learn a new language, which I have been meaning to do for a while now. I have enrolled in an online course, and I am really excited to get started.

In addition, I plan to use this break to explore some new hobbies. I am thinking of learning how to cook or how to play a musical instrument. Who knows, maybe I will find a new passion that I never knew I had.

Finally, I plan to use this break to relax and unwind. I have been working hard for the past few months, and I am looking forward to spending some time doing nothing in particular. I plan to go on long walks, read books, and just enjoy the simple things in life.

I hope you have an amazing holiday season, full of fun and relaxation. I cannot wait to hear all about your plans for the break.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
