求短语"take up"的所有意思和例句....


1. 拿起,举起(物)

例如:She took up her Boston bag and left. 她拿起她的手提包走了。

2. 占(时间、地方等),消耗

例如:It took up a whole week to write the article. 写这篇文章花了整整一个星期。

The table takes up too much space. 这张桌子太占地方了。

3. 开始(工作,产生兴趣等,尤其指做以前从未做过的事,或作为消遣的方式)

例如: He took up Spanish while in Spain.当他在西班牙的时候,他开始学习西班牙语。

4. 继续(中断的活),接下去

例如:Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off. 哈利接着约翰停止的地方继续讲那个故事。

5. 吸收(液体),溶解(固体)

例如:Blotting-paper takes up ink. 吸墨纸吸收墨水。

How much water is needed to take up a pound of salt? 溶解一磅食盐需要多少水?

6. 打断(某人的话)

例如:“I wonder if you’ll find them likeable?”

“what’s the difference?” he took me up sharply.



7. 接受(提议等)

例如:Can I take you up on your offer of a meal? 我能接受你请客的邀请吗?

8. 支援,帮助,保护(某人)

例如:The young soprano was taken up by the famous conductor.


此外,take up还有“(车辆等)搭载(乘客)”、“承兑(汇票)”等用法,在学习的过程中,必须结合具体的语境来分析其含义,切不可望文生义。
第1个回答  2012-10-20