
前文是 一个纽约来的男人A,讲话声音很大(主要特征),搬到明尼苏达州,43岁没找到女朋友,B是当地一个他的朋友现要帮助他找一个女朋友,设计一段对话,除AB外还需添加两个人物(可以是女生),对话3~5分钟。

A:Thanks for your help
B:It is nothing,by the way, she is really a good girl. Hey, she is coming!Let`s say hello to her.
A:hi,my name is Jack,nice to meet you.
c:hi,I am LILY white, you can call me lily.
B: e~~~~I have to meet one of my friend,i am afraid that i have to go now.Enjoy your time~
C:see you
A:e~~how about drink a cup of coffee with me?
A and C now in a coffee shop and met C`s friend D
C:hi~linda, you are here in this coffee too!
D:oh~my dear lily,it is very nice to meet you here. a~you have a handsome man with you!
C: yes,a new friend, his name is Jack.And Jack, this is my friend linda. She is owner of a Salon.
A:hi,nice to know you, we can drink coffee together, and i would like to know more about lily,I think you can be helpful, arent you?
D:no problem, since lily would like, i will tell you some samll sicrects of her~
C:o~linda,drink your coffee please~
The end~~
现写的 呵呵 希望对你有用
第1个回答  2007-12-21
A:hi.......I'm not a girl friend.
girlC:hi.......I'm not a boy friend.

A to C:real?
B to C:That's great,you can become to my girl friend!
A to B:C is mine.
第2个回答  2007-12-21
第3个回答  2007-12-20
第4个回答  2007-12-20