


This is Sarah's shopping list, she has a total of 200 US dollars and can buy the following items. She wants to buy a sweater, which costs 80 dollars. She likes a pair of trousers which only needs 60 dollars. She also wants a pair of shoes, which is just nice, 50 dollars. She would like to have two pairs of short socks, the price is very cheap, only 5 dollars.

(Dollar一词本身就是美元的意思, 不过开始为了加重语言, 所以写了US在前。如果不想写dollar, 可以直接在数字前加上$就可以了,无需再在数字后面写dollar。)

第1个回答  2007-12-22
This is Sarah's shopping list scheme, a total of 200 US dollars she can buy the following items. She wanted to buy a sweater, the price is 80 US dollars. She likes one pair of pants, just as long as 60 dollars. She also wants a pair of shoes, just 50 US dollars. she wanted two pairs of socks, very affordable price, five US dollars.本回答被提问者采纳