请各位大神帮忙翻译一下这段英语 急用!! 谢谢!

A more thorough and independent review of EIA on a comparative, technical basis would be a most useful step. In particular, it would be helpful if in several countries a common study could be made which would
(i)compare projects which have gone through EIA before and afterwards: how was project design modified and why?
(ii)examine those which were exempted because of insignificant impacts: ask whether that assessment is correct? Has it had impacts which are serious and could have been minimized?
(iii)compare and contrast similar projects in different jurisdictions in terms of (i) and (ii).

A more thorough and independent review of EIA on a comparative, technical basis would be a most useful step. In particular, it would be helpful if in several countries a common study could be made which would 更彻底的和独立的审查环境影响评价制度的比较,技术基础是最有用的步骤。特别是,这将是有益的,如果在几个国家共同研究可以将作出(i)compare projects which have gone through EIA before and afterwards: how was project design modified and why? (我)比较的项目,已通过环境影响评估之前和之后:如何是工程设计修改,为什么?(ii)examine those which were exempted because of insignificant impacts: ask whether that assessment is correct? Has it had impacts which are serious and could have been minimized? (二)审查那些被免除因为微不足道的影响:评估,问是否是正确的?有它的影响是严重的,可能已被减少到最低限度?(iii)compare and contrast similar projects in different jurisdictions in terms of (i) and (ii).(三)比较和对比的类似的项目在不同的法域条件(一)和(二)。
第1个回答  2012-06-25
第2个回答  2012-06-13


