英文片语 all the same


第1个回答  2022-10-17


第 2 位朋友的解答非常详尽
不过请容许我再讲清楚一下个问题啦。 根据我之前响yahoo知识内问人 however 同 nevetheless 用法上有咩不同 .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7009092702087 得出的结果是Nevertheless 有和议的意味,即后面的意思会附和前一句意思,又可以说是补充。However则是"但是",即后一句跟前一句会有不同或相反的意见。 我想问 all the same的用法是同 however 一样还是同 nevertheless 一样?

很有意思的问题。 All the same or just the same me "in spite of this" (尽管如此 ... 依然) Examples: He is not very reliable
but I like him all/just he same. "will you stay for lunch?" "No
but thanks all the same." 我想问同 nevertheless 的用法一样吗? Nevertheless is synonymous with all the same. (跟 all the same 意思上很接近) Nevertheless me "in spite of something you have just mentioned." Nevertheless can be placed in the front of a sentence but it is rare to begin a sentence with all the same. Examples: Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. Our effort will make little difference to the oute. Nevertheless
it is important that we try. Our effort will make little difference to the oute
but we try it all the same. 还是跟 however 的用法一样? However is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said. However 用出来引出两句的对比。 Note that you cannot use However in a sentence that begins with Although
or Even though. (句子用了 Although 就不能再用 however 罗) Examples: We thought the figures were correct. However
we have now discovered some errors. (introduce a contrast here) He was feeling bad. He went to work
and tried to concentrate. (more like nevertheless) All the same
however 的用法和意思都很接近,都带有对比、少许意外的味道,用字的取舍要视乎意思而定。 2009-10-20 23:57:14 补充: However 用于强调与前句的对比,Nevertheless 亦有对比前句,不过重点不在比较而是强调前句所讲的情况并不是一个 forbidding factor
阻难因素。 all the same 的意思与 nevertheless 接近,而不是 however。
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