英语作文 How toEnhance Mutual Trust in Our Society?(120字)


How toEnhance Mutual Trust in Our Society?
Current society, lack of mutual trust between people. The impact of social development, has hindered the social and moral development, and bring about a series of social problems, affect social long period of stability. In fact, caused between the person and the person does not trust is the main reason : the life of some dishonest behavior. Enhance the mutual trust between people is very simple, we need the others about the integrity, tolerance of others, to understand others.
第1个回答  2012-06-15
As modern society advances, we are growing more suspicious of each other.
This is clearly reflected in our reaction to advertisements. Instead of seeing advertisements as a source of reliable information, we tend to doubt the truth they claim and always assume that the producers are trying to trick customers into buying their products. One of the most serious consequences of such absence of mutual trust is the constant doubt and anxiety within our own minds. If we see everyone else as a potential enemy, we can no longer make new friends; if we regard all information passed on to us as lies, how can we make use of such sources effectively? Mutual trust is the glue that holds human society together.
As students, we should try to foster mutual trust and help build up a moral society by our own deeds. If we are honest to others and foster mutual trust, we shall soon see the difference.