英文翻译 有追加积分哦

Toreador有着很多的别名,包括“坠落者”,“艺术家”,“装腔作势者”,甚至“享乐主义者”。但是任何概括的归类都是对这个氏族整体的一种歪曲和伤害。按他们个人情况和当时情绪,Toreador成员涵盖了雅致与华丽,才华横溢与愚蠢可笑,富于幻想与闲游浪荡之间的种种情况。也许这个氏族唯一的整体特征就是成员都有着带审美感的热情。Toreador的成员无论做什么事都充满了激情。在他们看来,永恒的生命应该被好好的享受。他们中间许多成员生前就是画家,音乐家或者是诗人。而其它更多成员则把数个世纪的时间用在对艺术创作的可笑尝试上。Toreador成员和Ventrue成员一样喜欢待在上流社会。不过和领导密党 的Ventrue的成员不同,Toreador成员不喜欢那些枯燥无味的官场应酬。他们在上流社会活动是为了被注目和被赞美--而这一切来自于他们诙谐的言语,优美的举止和简朴但充满激情的生活方式

Tremere是已知的氏族中历史最短的之一,它是在黑暗时代(Dark Ages)早期成立的。Tremere最初的成员是一群渴望永恒生命的人类魔法师,他们不知是受到什么力量的帮助,竟然通过炼金术,魔法和一个Tzimisce长老的血得到了吸血的能力。不过他们很快发现自己原来的法术不再有那么大的威力。但通过学习和奉献,他们掌握了一种新形式的魔法--Thaumaturgy。种魔法是借助血的力量完成的。由于他们成为吸血鬼的方法,他们成为了其它吸血鬼氏族的敌人。不过,由于Tremere成员在抵挡人类挑起的“超自然生物歼灭战争”(Inquisition)中所作的贡献,以及他们严守潜藏戒律(the Masquerade),Tremere终于在密党中有了一席之地。在密党中,Tremere用他们魔力证明了自己是强大的盟友--当然,也可能是危险的敌人。

Toreador has many aliases, including "fall", "artists" and "posturing" or even "hedonist." But any general classification of this clan as a whole are a distortion and damage. According to their personal circumstances and feelings at that time,Toreador members cover the elegant and gorgeous, talented and ridiculously stupid, full of fantasy and Xianyoulangdang between the various circumstances. Perhaps the overall characteristics of the clan is the only member of a band aesthetic sense of enthusiasm. Toreador doing all the members of both full of passion.In their view, the eternal life should be properly enjoyed. Among them is that many members of his artists, musicians or poets. And the other members put a few more of the time spent on the art of the ridiculous try. Toreador members and members of the same Ventrue like to stay in high society.But the leadership of the party and a member of the Ventrue different, Toreador members do not like those dull the official entertainment. Their activities in high society is to be attention and the praise - and all this from their witty speech, the beautiful but simple manners and way of life full of passion.

Tremere is a known clan in the history of one of the shortest, it is in the dark ages (Dark Ages) set up early. Tremere is the first member of a group of human desire eternal life magician, they do not know what forces are subject to the help, even through alchemy, magic and a Tzimisce elders have been blood-sucking the blood of the capacity.However, they soon find themselves no longer have the original magic so much power. However, through study and dedication, they have mastered a new form of magic - Thaumaturgy. Kind of magic by drawing on the strength of blood completed. As they become vampires way, they become the enemy of other vampire clan.However, because of Tremere members of the human provoke resist the "supernatural war of annihilation" (Inquisition) in the contribution made by, and their potential strict precepts (the Masquerade), Tremere finally in a position of the party. In secret in the party, Tremere use their magic proved to be a powerful ally - of course, also could be dangerous enemies.