
Describe the contribution of the ancient Greeks to western civilization.

The ancient Greece affected the western civilization like the government, sport, thought, philosophy, and etcetera. Nowadays, the Greek’s culture is same as ancient; people still have the right to vote their leader in the direct democracy. People confirmed that is a strong power of government. Almost all those people agreed with that kind of government. However, there have many aspects of Greek culture that have influenced many country of the world.
The most distinguished and famous philosophers of Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They had thought that everyone must have opportunities and rights to elect, to vote, to express their ideas and opinions by their selves, is called democracy. Greece had the first known democracy in the world. Democratic country always give people freedom, people also like freedom.
The United States of America also agreed with them. So, it is a democratic country, they elect their president by American citizens except less than eighteen years old, but it is an indirect democracy. It can say that The United States of America borrowed their ideas from Greece. It also used the three branches of Greece, which are executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch. Now, modern country of The United States of America is similar to ancient Greece, as both of them are democratic countries.

The ancient Greece 主语affected 谓语the western civilization 宾语like the government, sport, thought, philosophy, and etcetera表语. Nowadays, the Greek’s culture 主语is same as ancient表语; people主语 still have the right宾语 to vote their leader in the direct democracy宾语补足语. People 主语confirmed 谓语(that 代词充当主语is 谓语a strong power of government宾语)从句做宾语. Almost all those people主语 agreed 谓语with that kind of government宾语. However, (there have many aspects of Greek culture )句子做主语that指代前面的内容做主语 have influenced谓语 many country of the world宾语.
The most distinguished and famous philosophers of Greece主语 were谓语 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle宾语. They 主语had thought 谓语that 引导后面的宾语从句(everyone 主语must have 谓语opportunities and rights宾语 to elect, to vote, to express their ideas 宾语补足语and opinions并列宾语 by their selves, is called democracy省略了what is的修饰前面宾语的从句). Greece 主语had 谓语the first known democracy 宾语in the world地点状语. Democratic country 主语always give谓语 people间接宾语 freedom直接宾语, people主语 also like 谓语freedom宾语.
The United States of America 主语also agreed with谓语 them宾语. So, it 主语is 谓语a democratic country宾语, they 主语elect 谓语their president 宾语by American citizens方式状语 except less than eighteen years old时间状语, but引导转折句子 it 主语is 谓语an indirect democracy宾语. It主语 can say谓语 that引导后面的宾语从句( The United States of America 主语borrowed 位于their ideas 宾语from Greece状语). It 主语also used 谓语the three branches of Greece宾语, (which 主语,即指代the three branches of Greece,are executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch谓语)补充修饰宾语的句子. Now, modern country of The United States of America 主语is similar to 谓语ancient Greece宾语, as引导一个句子 both of them 主语are 谓语democratic countries宾语.

第1个回答  2008-09-09
Describe the contribution of the ancient Greeks to western civilization.

The ancient Greece affected the western civilization in respect of the government, sport, thought, philosophy, and etcetera. Nowadays, the Greek’s culture is the same as in ancient; people still have the right to vote their leader in way of the direct democracy. People confirmed that is a strong power of government. Almost all those people agreed with that kind of government. However, there are many aspects of Greek culture that have influenced many countries of the world.
The most distinguished and famous philosophers of Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Their thought was that everyone must have opportunities and rights to elect, to vote, to express their ideas and opinions by themselves, and that is the so called democracy. Greece had democracy that was first known in the world. Democratic country always gives people freedom, and people also like freedom.
The United States of America also agreed with them. So, as a democratic country, people except less than eighteen years old elect their president, but it is an indirect democracy. We can say that The United States of America borrowed their ideas from Greece. It also adopted the three branches of Greece, which are executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch. Now, modern country of The United States of America is similar to the ancient Greece, as both of them are democratic countries.本回答被网友采纳