

这个是第一篇《如何保护我们的地球》 How to Protect Our Earth It is human being is duty to protect our earth. The governmeng should take some measures to protect the earth.As citizens,we can aiso do it from very small thing. Here are some tips:Firstly ,we can save paper by using both sides. If the amount of paper is reduced ,more trees can stay alive.Secondly, I will turn off the lights in the room when I leave at night and make tull use of the sunlight in the daytime. In this way , electricity is saved. Thirdly, it is well known that the world is short of water now.So I will never keep it flowing when I do not use it.In a word, we can save our earth by ourselves.Just do it now!译文: 如何保护我们的地球 保护地球是人类的责任。政府应该采取一些措施保护地球。作为公民,我们也应该从小事做起。以下是一些小贴士:首先,纸的双面都写,如果纸的总用量减少了,就有更多的树可以存活。其次,当晚上离开房间时,我会关上灯。在白天,我会充分利用阳光。这样的话,电就省下来了。第三,大家都知道,现在世界正在缺水,所以当我不用水的时候我绝不会让它白白流掉。 总之,我们要靠自己拯救地球。现在就开始做起吧! 第二篇是《如何保护水资源》 How to Save WaterIn our daily life, water has many useful ways.We can use water to wash our faces and brush our teeth .Farmers water piants with it , while firemen use it to put out fire . And the cooks cook food,wash the bowls and piates with it . If there were no water ,people ,plants and animals would die ,and the earth would become a dry well. If we do not want this kind of thing to happen, we must save water from oow on.Wecan begin with doing small things . For example,after we wash clothes ,we can use the used water to clean the rooms, windows or fioors.Finally we can wash the restroom with it ,When we do not use water ,we must turn off the tap tightly .If everyone can save water ,the environment will be better and better.译文: 如何保护水资源 在我们的日常生活中,水有许多用途。我们可以用水来洗脸刷牙。农民用水浇灌植物。消防队员用水来灭火。厨师用水来煮食物,洗碗和盘子。如果没有谁,人、植物和动物就会死亡,地球就会变成一口枯井。如果不想这种事情发生,我们就应该从现在开始节约用水。 我们可以从小事做起。例如,可以用洗过衣服的水打扫房间,擦窗户,拖地。 最后,还可以用来洗厕所。再不用水的时候,紧紧的拧上水龙头。如果每个人都节约用水,环境将会越来越好。 如果还有什么看不懂的就来问我
第1个回答  2013-10-21
Long long ago,water on the earth is very rich, however now the population of the earth is increasing gradually, water on the significant is not enough, so we should save water. As we chanted save water, there are some people, don't know to save water, don't know the importance of water, and in a lot of to waste water resources on the earth, So we want to let the world know the importance of water. Save water, is everybody's business. As long as we all pay attention to save water, lack of water will far from us, and our life will be stability and harmony; The environment will be beautiful, comfortable. We Water is a fountain of life, is the lifeblood of agriculture, industry of blood. Save water, in the contemporary benefits, work in when autumn! to save water,let's do it now</SPAN></SPAN>