

1. Parents than expected early holiday come back a day. They can't wait to give children a surprise to find the room is in a mess: the floor is full of pizza boxes, cheng fang is dirty dishes in the sink.父母度假比预料要早回来一天。他们迫不及待的想给孩子们一个惊喜,结果发现房间一团糟:地板上满是盛放比萨饼的盒子,水槽里是脏的盘子。2. Mother want to explain why the Daniel: used to buy dog food money didn't, the dog look as hunger and tired, and he is left behind by parents how to handle money? At the same time mother think Daniel is an adult, is a can expect to have good decisions.母亲想要Daniel向其解释:为什么用于买狗食的钱没了,小狗看起来还是那么饥饿和疲倦,他是怎么处置父母留下的钱?同时母亲认为Daniel是一位成年人了,是一位可以期待有好的决定的人。3. Father think Daniel to be rude. And that this is not a bad behavior not punished family, and he wanted to punish the children otherwise he won't respect our parents..父亲认为Daniel对他太粗鲁了。而且认为这不是一个不良行为不受处罚的家庭,他想惩罚一下孩子否则他不会尊敬父母。4. Daniel that parents should not have to yell at the, at the same time not to give him a chance to explain. Parents are no longer trust4.Daniel认为父母不应该对其大喊大叫,同时不给他机会解释。父母不再信任自己,他们不值得知道真相。
5. The Eric think should tell their parents what happened the: they use the money to put the dog to a vet, spent a whole day there, waiting, this is why they have no time to clean the room's sake. The parents would not angry.
第1个回答  2013-10-21
1 这真是令人担心的消息 It is really a news which make someone worried. 2 如果他不同意你的想法怎么办呢? What will you do if he doesn't agree with you? 3 学生不允许在课堂上讲话 Students are not allowed to talk in class. 4 我一点也不想麻烦你给我让座 I don't want to bother you to give your seat to me at all. 5 我非常恼火 I am very angry. 6 今年雨水充足 There is plenty of rain this year. 7 她总能想出解决问题的办法 She can always think out ways to solve the problems. 8 好办法被想出来了 Good ways have been thought out. 9 你本应该对他施行急救的 You should have given him the first aid. 10 他说的话对你很有帮助 What he said is very helpful to you. 11 他拒绝提供我任何帮助 He refuse to provide me with any help. 12即使我腿疼我也要去报导这次地震 Though there is something wrong with my legs,I still want to report this earthquake. 13 这个国家的3分之1呗冰雪覆盖 One third of this country is covered with snow. 14 我从树上掉到地上,上了腿 I fell down the tree and hurt my legs. 15宝贝,我对你的英语很有信心 Baby,I am confident of your English. 16 他主动提出供给我200万元钱 He himself offered to supply me two million yuan. 17 今天中午饭我请你 Today I will pay for your lunch.