

dare的意思是:敢,实意动词和情态动词的意思一样,主要的区别是:1. dare用做情态动词,只有现在式,过去式(dared)两种形式,后接不带to的不定式,通常用于疑问句,否定句,条件句,whether(if)从句或含否定意义的句子中。如:He dare not go there. How dare you speak to him like that? It's hard to tell whether/ if he dare try. I won't let him go even if he dare. 2. dare做实意动词,其后接带to的不定式,可以用于然后时态,用在疑问句或否定句,He dares to go. The enemy didn't dare to come out after dark.
第1个回答  2013-10-18
■作情态动词:通常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中;或与whether, hardly等连用。如: Dare you ask him?你敢问他吗?

She dare not go out alone. 她不敢单独出去。

I don’t know whether he dare try. 我不知道他敢不敢试。

If you ever dare call me that name again, you’ll be sorry. 你胆敢再那样叫我, 你会后悔的。


1. 有时有过去式dared。如:

No one dared speak of it. 没有人敢提及此事。

2. How dare you/he/she/they…?表示说话人对某人的行为表示愤慨。如:

How dare you ask me such a question?你怎敢问我这样的问题?

3. I dare say表示“我相信,我认为,可能”。如:

I dare say you are right. 我认为你是对的。

Did anyone dare (to) admit it?有人敢于承认吗?

He did not dare (to) leave his car there. 他不敢把车停放在那里。

If he dares to show up at her house I’ll be surprised. 如果他敢出现在她的房子里,我会感到吃惊。

注意:表示“挑衅,挑起,敢冒(险) ”等意思时,只能用作行为动词。

I dare you to cheat me. 谅你也不敢欺骗我。

He dared me to jump over the river他激我跳过河。

She dared the anger of her father. 她不怕惹她父亲发火。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-18
其实跟need的用法相似,动词意思是“敢,胆敢”,名词意思是“挑战,挑动”……情态动词的用法 :作为情态助动词时,接不带to的不定式,第三人称单数作主语时不加s,疑问句和否定句不需要用do来构成实意动词:作为实义动词时,接带to的不定式,第三人称单数作主语时加s,疑问句和否定句用do来构成
第3个回答  2013-10-18
助词 v.aux.
1. 敢;竟敢
How dare you ask me such a question?
My younger sister dare not go out alone.
及物动词 vt.
1. 敢;胆敢[+to-v]
He did not dare to leave his car there.
他不敢把车停放在那里。 2. 挑逗I dare you to cheat me.
谅你也不敢欺骗我。 3. 敢于面对,敢冒(险)
She dared the anger of her father.