



200gm 海绵蛋糕混合粉 200gm sponge cake mix flour

4粒蛋 4 eggs

4大匙水 4tbsp water

4大匙溶解牛油 4tbsp melted butter

做法 Method:
准备好全部材料 Get ready all the ingredients
先将混合粉和蛋放入搅拌碗中 Put sponge cake mix flour and eggs into a mixing bowl
用低速度搅拌均匀成糊状 Use low speed to mix into smooth batter
转高速度,打至面糊呈乳白状 Change to high speed and beat batter until white and creamy
加入4大匙水,打至发起 add water and continue to beat until light and fluffy
可用面糊写成“0”字而保持10秒不变 To test, use mixture to drip into a "0" shape and it can keep the shape for 10 seconds
加入牛油 Add in butter
用塑胶刮板轻轻往同一方向搅拌均匀即可 use a plastic spatula and mix in one direction until well-combined
倒入烤盘中,用180'C烘30-35分钟或至熟便可 Pour into a lined and greased baking tin, bake in a pre-heated oven at 180'C for 30-35 minures until cooked and golden brown


海绵蛋糕的拌打时间没有一定的标准,需依所采用的拌打器而定。如果用的是小型手提搅拌器,可用冷蛋及冷水,会比较容易及快打至发起。There is no fixed time for beating the sponge cake mix and eggs. It depends on the type of cake mixer used. If using small cake mixer, it is better to use cold eggs and cold water from the fridge for easy rising.

加入牛油时,面糊需保持其浓度,如果已开始变稀或有泡沫的话,表示里边的空气泡已被破坏,做出来的蛋糕质感肯定会粗糙。When mixing in melted butter, the mixture should stay thick and fluffy. If mixture
第1个回答  2013-10-18
1. 在凉水锅中放入五花肉,烧沸后略煮一会儿(浮沫去除干净)捞出,用冷水洗净,切成小块沥干;
2. 用大火将锅烧热后加油,再转绿豆大的小火加糖,让糖在油中融化,用铲轻轻地翻炒变色的糖;
3. 待糖融化成糖浆时,用筷子慢慢地搅动糖浆,连续搅拌到糖浆起泡沫时,转大火,放下肉块煸炒;
4. 炒至肉块上色均匀后,加入料酒,加水至淹没肉块;
5. 加盖煮沸,转小火,加盖焖烧20分钟左右;
6. 掀盖,用铲翻炒肉块,加适量盐,翻炒均匀,转大火用铲不断翻炒收汁;
7. 待肉汁呈厚稠状,肉块红润即可装盘。
Good color sugar speculation on the line, with a bitter taste on the poor, the main process is that

1. Add pork in the pot of cold water, the boiling of Lue Zhu after a while (to remove foam floating clean) remove, wash in cold water, Drain and cut into small pieces;

2. Guoshao with fire will be hot after refueling, green beans and then a big fire in small sugar so that sugar melts in the oil, stir gently shovel color of the sugar;

3. To be melted into a sugar syrup, stir slowly with chopsticks syrup, stirring until syrup in a row since the bubble, turn the fire, lay down their meat stir fried;

4. Chaozhi meat color uniform, joined the cooking wine, adding water to the meat submerged;

5. Placing a boil, turn a small fire, burning stamp stew about 20 minutes;

6. Lift cover, stir meat shovel, the amount of salt added, stir evenly, with the fire shovel to keep close stir juice;

7. To be thick like gravy was thick, rosy meat can Zhuangpan.