
音乐的力量是无穷的,它使世界变得美丽,使生活更加多彩。有些同学整天随身携带MP3,在享受音乐的同时却又因此而耽误了学习,对此你有何看法?请说说其中的利弊。Good points例:1. It makes me happy when I listen to music.2.3.4. Bad points例:1. Sometimes I forget to do my homework.2.3.4.

usic, can cultivate our sentiment, Music can make us feel more, if the image as a noun, music (film); it is adjectives, Or, when considered verbs, music is an adverb. As the characteristics of adjectives and adverbs, modification and enrich their nouns and verbs, the modification of music service, to give it into a deeper layers of personality, it will be refined. But when we are completely obsessed with at the moment, we sometimes forget to do their homework, hearing loss, and it affects our lives, so the music and good, there are also disadvantages, so we should stop, he is a good helper become us to live.音乐,可以陶冶我们的情操;音乐,可以使我们的心情变得好,如果把影像视作名词,(电影)音乐就是它的形容词;或相对的,当影像被视为动词时,音乐就是它的副词。就如形容词与副词的特性,作修饰与丰富它们的名词与动词,这种修饰音乐服务于画面,给它注入更深一层的个性,将其润饰。但当我们完全痴迷于此时,我们有时会忘记做作业,听力下降,影响了我们的生活,所以音乐及有好处,也有弊端,所以我们应该适可而止,是他成为我们生活的好帮手。
第1个回答  2022-09-15
音乐可以让身体放轻松,好的音乐可以纾解压力,避免因自律 神经紧张失调而导致慢*疾病的产生。