
13.be known for
14.go to sb./sth.
15.pass through
17.comment on/upon
18.shift from...to
19.look like
20.show up
22.come to realize
23.move ahead
24.fall behind
25.account to...for
26.make room for
27.take sth.seriously
28.attach importance to
29.in terms of
30.seek out
31.carry on
32.worthy of
33.take over
34.hold out
35.look forward to
36.give in to
37.on instinct
38.run for
39.in command
40.afford to
41.all the more
42.hold off

11.Elephants are distinguished by their long noses. (象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物)
12.Don't measure your weakness against others' strongness.(不要把你的缺点和别人的优点相比)
13.China is known for its old culture.(中国因它古老的文化而闻名)
14.He will go to the park tomorrow.(他明天会去公园)
15.He had passed through many difficulties during the experiments.(在试验时他经历了许多困难)
16.Water turns into steam when it is heated. (水受热会变成蒸汽)
17.Many experts commented on the policy.(许多专家对这项政策发表看法)
18.His eyes shifted from his book to the telephone.(他的眼光从书上转移到电话上)
19.The stone looks like a bird.(这块石头看起来象一只鸟)
20.I intend to show up this liar.(我打算揭发这个说谎者)
21.The bottle is filled with water.(瓶子里装满了水)
22.He came to realize suddenly.(他突然明白过来)
23.If you want to make it,don't give up and move ahead.(如果你想取得成功,不要放弃,继续前进)
24.Don't fall behind with your rent.(不要拖欠房租)
25.You must account to me for the accident.(这个事故你必须对我解释清楚)
26.Everyone should make room for old men on bus.(在公共汽车上每个人都应为老人让座)
27.You must take it seriously.(你必须认真考虑)
28.People should attach importance to the pollution.(人们应当重视污染问题)
29.In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.(就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了)
30.He sought out his friend in the crowd.(他在人群中找到了他的朋友)
31.They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.(虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去)
32.The book is worthy of 10 dollars.(这本书值十美元)
33.He took his father's shop.(他接管了他父亲的商店)
34.How long can we hold out?(我们能坚持多久)
35.China is looking forward to the coming of the 29th Olympic Games.(中国正盼望着第29届奥运会的到来)
36.In the end,he gave in to me finally.(最后,他终于向我屈服了)
37.We sometimes act on instinct.(我们有时凭直觉而行动)
38.Everyone run for a happy life.(每个人都追求一种幸福的生活)
39.He was in command of the army.(他统率那个军队)
40.I can't afford to buy a new car.(我买不起一辆新车)
41.The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown.(那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人)
42.The scientists held off announcing their results.((科学家们推迟宣布结果)