

1.Never know - 来自才子Jack johnson的经典歌曲...简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,让人感觉轻松而舒适,感觉像他的家乡夏威夷的阳光和沙滩一样....首推~

2.Elderly - 这首旋律轻快可爱的歌来自Haga nygata...应该比较少人知道这首歌吧..很好听哦...和声给人多层次的感觉..像阳光一样暖心..给你带来好心情哦~

3.Say hello - Rosie thomas略来慵懒的声线下...唱出了生活的遐意...对了..就像在一对男女悠闲地躺在一大片向日葵园里闭着眼睛对唱着...生活就是如此的简单吖...

4.Valder field - 这首歌最近红得发紫...来自墨尔本乐队Tamas wells...主唱Tamas wells的声音柔和动听...歌曲中间用各种小型打击乐器演奏的solo更给人一种自然的味道..

5.Gotta have you - 来自The weepies的经典歌曲...简简单单..自然随心的旋律打动了不少人..淡淡的感觉带着简洁和清新的味道,细腻的吉他,抒情的歌词,非常值得品味..个人最喜欢的歌之一...不要错过哦~

6.Hide away - The weepies08年新专辑<Hide away>里的一首..总体延续了以往的风格...在我听来就多了一份可爱...很不错哦~

7.Le palillon - 这首是法国电影<蝴蝶>的主题曲...是由一个小孩和老人合唱的可爱歌曲...歌词也十分有趣诙谐...有些事情想不通..就到里面找找答案..也许你也会豁然开朗..

8.Lesson no.1 - 来自Viva voce...MotoL6/L7的广告歌...带点Jazz的味道..声音也很迷人...我觉得这歌真的很赞...不同意也请不要扔鸡蛋..没办法..喜欢些旋律奇怪的歌.

9.Fragile heart - 来自被赞誉为现今流行乐坛最有才华且最出色的歌手之一的Jewel..声音甜美清新...其实不用介绍什么了吧..份量已经很足了..

10.She will be loved - 摇滚乐队Maroon 5比较少有的抒情歌哦...一听前奏就很喜欢..

11.咖啡王子一号店插曲10 - 忍不住又发了一次...真的很有感觉的歌..静静的..毫无造作...就是适合下午时分一个人在咖啡店里回想生活的酸甜苦辣的时候放的吧...(刚好适合?!)

12.Limon y sal - 来自Julieta venegas的歌..哈哈哈...想不到是拉丁文吧..因为我也想不到...她很强哦..去年专辑才获格莱美大奖哦~歌曲带给人轻快的感觉..很快乐哦~

13.Lose you - 这首歌确实和乡村扯不上任何关系.可是很好听哦!来自Linda sundblad..节奏超喜欢~

14.Deeper and deeper - 也是本人十分喜欢的歌...就是这种悠闲感觉吖..(厄..词穷中)

15.Sunny come home - 听这歌的时候很有孙燕姿<完美的一天>的感觉..实力唱将Shawn colvin在这首歌里倡导了清新与融入生活的亲切...让人倍感特别..

16.New soul - 来自Naim yael的歌..同时也是MacBookAir 的广告歌...清新是很清新..在本人听来也有种Silly girl的感觉..很可爱哦~

17.Rhythem of the rain - 绝对经典...没听过的真要听下了..

18.It never rains in southern California - 每次不开心时候的必听曲目..很有效哦~这首70年代的乡村民谣,曾横扫过全球流行乐界..至今还有让人无法阻挡的魅力哦~

19.Summer holiday - 来自Cliff richard的歌..也是很轻松遐意的一首歌..只可惜是小声了点...吖...暑假..你快点来吧~~!

20.Traveling light - 来自Joel hanson和Sara groves的歌...让无数人爱上..轻快的节奏会让你感到很快乐哦..7.24新加...

21.Sweet about me - 来自Gabriella cilmi ...乡村味道十分重...很80年代的感觉...现在在英国近期单曲排行榜上排第6哦~~~~


第1个回答  2008-09-21
traveling light 轻装前行 不错的一首歌!

Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders
Was a weight I carried with me everyday
Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging
Picking up stones I found along the way
I staggered and I stumbled down
Pathways of trouble
I was hauling those souvenirs of misery
And with each step taken my back was breaking
‘Til I found the One who took it all from me

Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I‘m traveling light
My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I‘m traveling light

Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys
I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear
Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken
Now He‘s leading me to places
where there are no tears

Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I‘m traveling light
My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I‘m traveling light

Down by the riverside
I laid my burdens down,
Now I‘m traveling light
My spirit lifted high
I found my freedom now
And I‘m traveling light

Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I‘m traveling light
My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I‘m traveling light
第2个回答  2008-09-21
cranberries 的 joe

We walked in fields of golden hay.
I still recall you.
We walked in fields of golden hay.
I see you in the summer.
第3个回答  2008-09-21
约翰丹佛的take me home country road
keith urban 的where the blacktop ends
第4个回答  2008-09-21
曾几何时 瓦尔德的田野