急求 关于 the cinema 的英语文章啊 !!!!



film, motion picture影片,电影(美作:movie)


documentary (film)记录片,文献片


literary film文艺片




dracula movie恐怖片

sowordsmen film武侠片

detective film侦探片

ethical film伦理片

affectional film爱情片

erotic film黄色片

western movies西部片

film d'avant-garde前卫片



cartoon (film)卡通片,动画片

full-length film, feature film长片


colour film彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film默片,无声片

dubbed film配音复制的影片,译制片

silent cinema, silent films无声电影

sound motion picture, talkie有声电影

cinemascope, CinemaScope西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影

cinerama, Cinerama西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影


original version原著


subtitles, subtitling字幕

credits, credit titles对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名



Q.What are the differences between watching movie in the cinema and at home?

Well, it is quite different, in cinema, the audiences can enjoy big screen and the best audio and visual effect, also there is a great atmosphere in the cinema, you can laugh and cry with other audiences, and you are much easier to be dragged into the movie world, and your feeling will go up and down with the development of movie plotline. All of these are different from watching movie at home. When you watch movie at home, you can enjoy much more freedom, for example, you can smoke, eat food, drink and sleep in the bed or even, if your friends call in, you can pause the DVD player, and talk with your friends.

Adieu, Cinema! (A)
In 1957, as many as 900,000,000 people went to the cinema, whereas the number of TV viewers was 400,000,000. Three years later, 500,000,000 cinema-goers vs 500,000,000 TV viewers the same. In 1963, the cinema fell, compared with TV. In 1974, only 70,000,000 went to the cinema, but as many as 800,000,000 people
watched TV.
Although the cinema has its own unreplacable merits, the television can do most of the things the cinema does, and more importantly, people can stay at home with their famfiy, watching what belongs to both TV and the cinema. In rainy days no one wfil think of the cinema except for some special reasons.
People like TV better for another reason. They can choose anything they like, just by switching from one channel to another. But in the cinema, you have no choice, if you don't want to come again for something different.

Sample for band 6

Adieu, Cinema! (B)
The cinema used to be the most popular recreation in the first half of the 20th century, till 1957, when the television began to show films and plays. If people didn't have to go out to see films or plays, why didn't they stay at home? That's why the cinema declined rapidly as TV became more popular.
In 1957, as many as 900,000,000 people went to the cinema, while there were only 400,000,000 people who watched TV. Three years later, only 500,000,000 liked the cinema, while 500,000,000 people watched TV. In 1963, about 300,000,000 cinema-goers to 650,000,000 TV viewers. In the next six years the number of cinemagoers dropped further, while the number of TV viewers continued to rise. In 1974, only 70,000,000 went to the cinema. As many as 800,000,000 people switched to TV.
Nothing can hope to enjoy eternal popularity. Not the cinema. Not TV. Now, in the last years of the 20th century people liked the computer. Nearly everything is available on the Internet, including all for TV. What will happen to the computer, say, in the 2050s, no one knows.
Will TV lose out to computer, I wonder?

电影与电视(Cinema and Television)

A survey has been conducted in the United Kingdom about cinema admissions and television licenses over the period 1957 to 1974. The purpose of the survey was to discover the changes of the popularity of cinema and television in this period.

According to the graph, it can be seen that the trend was towards a decrease in the popularity of the cinema. There was a dramatic fall in the number of cinema admissions from 1957, when about 900 million people went, to 1959, when the attendance figure was roughly 550 million. From 1959 to 1963 the rate of decrease slowed down, the figure for the latter year being about 350 million. From this year on, there was a more gradual reduction in the popularity of the cinema, reaching a figure of about 125 million in 1974.

Therefore, it can be concluded from the graph that over the period 1957 to 1974 the cinema admissions became lower and lower while the television viewing licences became higher and higher owing to the advantages of watching television at home than going out to the cinema though it does not show directly in the graph.
Film Is Giving Way to TVDirections: You are allowed to write a composition on Film Is Giving Way to TV based on the following chart in three paragraphs. You should write at least 120 words. You should base your composition on the outlines below.1.电影观众越来越少。2.电视观众越来越多。3.然而,还是有人喜欢电影,因为……Film Is Giving Way to TV If you are good at observation, you may find that fewer people today prefer to going to the cinema to watching TV at home. And this phenomenon is proved by the above graph. Let's look at the graph. It shows that from 1975 to 1985,the number of TV watchers increased steadily, while the number of film-goers drastically decreased. There aret I think, at least two reasons for this trend. Fist of all, one, sitting in front of the TV, can always find his/her favorite program, for there is always a great variety of programs which can satisfy different tastes. But in this respect, the cinema can never be compared with TV. Secondly, it is simply easy and comfortable for people to watch TV indoors. Watching TV saves people the trouble of going out and lining up for tickets and so on. They just sit somewhere, and, with the remote controller in hand, enjoy themselves. Nevertheless few as they are, some people always enjoy going to the cinema. TV can never take the place of the film for these people. For them, the film always has its unique charm. They go to the cinema for the particular atmosphere and the feeling of getting involved in the action. As we know, no dish suits all tastes. Similarly, while many people prefer watching TV at home, a few like go to the cinema.