
求翻译谢谢If the documentary's purpose is a stealth attack on our consciences, its makers have succeeded. It takes two div separated by age, gender and, most Seoul, their beliefs on climate change and watches as they and experts across the globe try to change the other Mind on the issue Representing the sceptics is former senator and Liberal Party backroom operator Nick Minchin, while 28-year-old Anna Rose, co-founder of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, What we see in the film is the clash of two ostensible foes who have misjudged and underestimated each other. Co-producer Simon Nasht likens it to a sports match, which has the cinema wagers on the eventual winner. Yet what dismays him is that, Any other issues that have divided Australia, the climate-change debate has become rancorous, nasty and derived unproductive. "There's trench warfare going on," Nasht says. "Everyone has their version of 'You can spend five minutes online justifying any position no matter how crazy that is and still feel good about yourself.

在本片中持怀疑态度者是前参议员和自由党的后台操作员尼克·明钦,另一方则是28岁的澳大利亚青年气候联盟联合创始人安娜·罗斯(Anna Rose)。除了想法的竞争,我们在电影中看到的是两个表面上的敌人的冲突,他们误判和低估了对方。
我们的制片人西蒙·纳什特(Simon Nasht)把它比作一场运动比赛,发生了一轮又一轮观众对最终胜利者的赌注。然而,令人沮丧的是,与其他分歧澳大利亚的问题不同,气候辩论已经变成了一场徒然的辩论,既充满敌意,又令人讨厌。
If the documentary's purpose is a stealth attack on our consciences, its makers have succeeded. It takes two individuals separated by age, gender and, most importantly, their beliefs on climate change and watches as they, and various handpicked experts across the globe, try to change the other's mind on the issue.
Representing the sceptics is former senator and Liberal Party backroom operator Nick Minchin; on the side of the believers is 28-year-old Anna Rose, co-founder of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. As well as a competition of ideas, what we witness in the film is the clash of two ostensible foes who have misjudged and underestimated each other.
Co-producer Simon Nasht likens it to a sports match, where round by round the audience wagers on the ultimate winner. Yet what dismays him is that unlike other issues that have divided Australia, the climate debate has become rancorous, nasty and unproductive.

"There's trench warfare going on,'' Nasht says. ''Everyone has their version of truthiness. You can spend five minutes online justifying any position no matter how crazy that is and still feel good about yourself.
第1个回答  2017-04-27
第2个回答  2017-04-27
low reward