

Radiohead乐队的五名成员最初是在阿伯顿(Abingdon)一家私立男子学校相遇的。阿伯顿是一个很小但很有特色的小镇,位于英国牛津市市郊。成员之一,Thom Yorke(1968年10月7日出生于英格兰北安普敦郡的威灵伯鲁市(Wellingborough),擅长声乐演唱与吉他演奏),在他八岁的时候,母亲就给了他一个西班牙式吉他,这也是他人生中使用的第一件乐器。两年后,他组成了他的第一支乐队,然后又加入了一个学校的少年乐队,TNT乐队。第一次演唱时,他认识到他需要更多的能与他产生的共鸣的乐队成员,于是成立了Radiohead乐队。当时乐队成员有:他在学校认识的好友Ed O'Brien(1968年4月15日出生于英国牛津郡牛津市,擅长吉他),他的外表“看起来很酷”;Colin Greenwood(1969年6月26日出生于英国牛津郡牛津市,擅长贝斯乐器)。

他们三个人都有着共同的兴趣爱好。最初,Yorke加入TNT乐队,也是由于史密斯一家和Greenwood的原因;乐队的温柔鼓手Phil Selway(1967年5月23日出生于英国剑桥郡享廷顿市的汉明福德格雷区,擅长架子鼓);这四个男孩就在一星期五走在了一起,组成了Radiohead乐队。最后,Colin的弟弟,一个爵士乐狂热的爱好者,Jonny Greenwood(1971年11月5日出生于英国牛津郡牛津市),央求他的哥哥和朋友们让他也加入这个乐队,于是他便成为该乐队最初的口琴演奏者。这样,整个乐队就建成了。1987年,这支乐队在牛津市的defunct Jericho旅馆进行了初次演出,现在这个旅馆已经关闭了。他们的演出就像是一个年轻人的聚会,他们在乐队中增加了两个女孩子,来演奏萨克斯管)。但是,这个乐队的活动后来不得不取消,因为他们要努力满足父母们的心愿,也就是要完成学业。在剑桥大学的彼得豪斯学院,Colin成为娱乐界的领头人,在他的帮助下,他的朋友们又聚到了一起,在那儿进行爵士音乐的演唱。在埃克塞特大学,Yorke在一家名为Flickernoise的乐队中弹吉他。同时,Selway在各种各样的音乐作品中充当鼓手,他参与的作品有《Blood Brothers》和《The Forbidden Planet》,他当时还在利物浦工艺学校学习。乐队最后是1991年夏天在牛津重新组建的,但是没有了铜管乐器的组合。他们录制了两张样本唱片,并与百代唱片公司签约,但在签约前,他们将乐队名称改为Radiohead。他们的作品首次进行的商业广播就是在BBC的第一广播电台进行的,当时的作品是Drill EP创作的《Prove Yourself》和Gary Davies的《Happening Track Of The Week》。这两支歌曲是在1993年一支颇受争议的歌《Creep》之后产生的,当时《Creep》这首歌让吉他手们弹唱了很长时间,这首歌的歌词是一种自我堕落型的,如“I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, I don't belong here”。1992年,它在首次推出时不太受欢迎,而乐队进行了巡回演出后,这首歌突然变得火爆起来。这首歌将乐队带入了英国流行歌曲排行榜的第十位和美国名曲排行榜的第四十位。

不像其它著名的、人们对其希望也比较高的英国乐队,如Suede乐队等的作事风格,Radiohead还尽量使他们的作品能迎合国际听众的口味,因而他们的作品受到了从美国到埃及等许多国家人们的喜欢。此后两年,他们的艺术道路越走越宽,知名度也越来越大。1995年3月,他们推出专辑《The Bends》。在观众们热清的掌声下,他们所承受的压力也越来越大,因为一张的唱片的制作绝对不是什么轻松的事情。几乎每一首歌都要录制两个多月,制作人John Leckie要求所有人看管Yorke,不要让他走出工作室,并要求歌手“什么都不要做,只是演唱就行了”。歌曲录制完毕,他们又匆忙赶到Abbey Road工作室,以便在三个星期内完成专辑的后期制作。《The Bends》没有让他们失望,这首歌以振人心魄的旋律得到人们的喜爱,它的歌词这样写到:“When your insides fall to pieces, You just sit there wishing you could still make love”。该乐队值得注意的歌曲还有《High And Dry》和《Fake Plastic Trees》,还有进入英国流行乐坛排行榜第五位的《Street Spirit》(地位正在下降)。到1995年底,《The Bends》得到了普遍喝彩,使他们赢得一项BRIT大奖,成为1995年度最受欢迎乐队。两年后,他们推出了又一张专辑《OK Computer》,获得了摇滚乐队的最热烈评论,并1998年赢得了一项格莱美“最受欢迎的摇滚音乐”大奖。

在针对所有时代最受欢迎的1000张专辑而进行的民意测验显示,这支乐队出现在新闻媒体中的次数最多,并且是第一支也唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合。他们下一张专辑将要花费很长时间录制,专辑名为《Kid A》,人们普遍希望这张专辑会成为最令人震惊的作品。他们放弃了他们原有的比较稳当的制作模式,这次他们要摆脱吉他,演出风格可能更接近于想像太空时代氛围的乐队Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk和Tangerine Dream等。虽然目前对于Radiohead的评论更式不一,但是这支乐队在英国听众中所受的欢迎度和在新闻媒体中第一位的出现率是不容其它乐队忽视的。

Five members of the band Radiohead is the first in Afghanistan Burton (Abingdon) a private school met the man. A Burton is a small but useful characteristics of the town, located in the outskirts of the city of Oxford. One of the members, Thom Yorke (1968, 7 October was born in England Northampton County Granville Wellingborough (Wellingborough), good at playing guitar and vocal concert), in his eight-year-old when his mother gave him a Spain Guitar, this is also his life in the use of the first instruments. Two years later, he formed his first band, then joined a school boy band, TNT band. The first concert, he recognized that he needed more with the resonance of his band members, then set up the band Radiohead. At that time, the band members are: his understanding of the school friends Ed O'Brien (1968年April 15 was born in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Oxford, good at guitar), his appearance "looks cool"; Colin Greenwood (1969年6 26, was born in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Oxford, good at bass instrument).

   They have three individuals have common interests and hobbies. Initially, Yorke joined the band TNT, is also due to Smith, a Greenwood and the reasons for the band's gentle drummer Phil Selway (1967年May 23 was born in Cambridge, England Huntington County city of the Han明福德格雷, good at Jiazi Gu); The four boys on Friday in a march in together, formed the band Radiohead. Finally, Colin's younger brother, a jazz fanatic fans, Jonny Greenwood (1971, 5 November was born in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Oxford), Yang Qiu's brother and his friends, he also joined the band, so he will become the Band The first harmonica player. In this way, the band built a whole. 1987, this band in the city of Oxford defunct Jericho hotel was first performed, this hotel has been closed. Their performance is like a gathering of young people in their band in an increase of two girls, to play the saxophone). However, the group's activities had to be cancelled, because they have to strive to meet the wishes of parents, is to complete their studies. Peter Niehaus in the School of the University of Cambridge, Colin into the entertainment industry's leader, in his help, his friends and together-to, where a jazz concert. The University of Exeter, Yorke in a band called the shot Flickernoise guitar. At the same time, Selway in a variety of musical works in as drummer, he participated in the works include "Blood Brothers" and "The Forbidden Planet", he was also of Liverpool schools. Finally, the band in the summer of 1991 in Oxford re-established, but not a combination of brass instruments. They recorded two samples of records, and EMI signed, but before the signing, they will change the name of the band Radiohead. Their works for the first time a commercial is broadcast in the BBC's Radio 1, when the work is the creation Drill EP "Prove Yourself" and Gary Davies of "Happening Track Of The Week". This two songs are popular in 1993, a controversial song "Creep" after the then "Creep" this song to let guitarist Dan Chang for a very long time, the lyrics of the song is a type of self-degradation For example, "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, I don't belong here". 1992, when it first launched in the not too popular, and the band was touring, the song suddenly became popular together. This song will be the British pop band into the top of the 10th and the U.S. music charts 40-bit.
Unlike other well-known, people also hope that their relatively high British bands, such as the band Suede, such as the Zuoshi style, Radiohead also works as much as possible so that they can cater to the tastes of the international audience and therefore their works were from the United States to Egypt Many countries, such as people's favorite. After two years, their art broader and broader roads, visibility is also increasing. March 1995, they launched album "The Bends". Hot-in audience applause, they withstand the pressure of growing, because the production of an album is not easy matter. Almost every song to record more than two months, producer John Leckie asked everyone to look after Yorke, do not let him out of studio and asked singer of "what not to do, only concert on the line." Song is recorded, they hurriedly rushed to Abbey Road studios, in order to complete the album within three weeks of post-production. "The Bends" not let them down, the song spirits of the people-to get people's favorite melody, the lyrics so it wrote: "When your insides fall to pieces, You just sit there wishing you could still make love". It should be noted that the band's songs are "High And Dry" and "Fake Plastic Trees", also entered the British pop fifth in the list of "Street Spirit" (status is declining). By the end of 1995, "The Bends" has been widely acclaimed, so that they won a BRIT Award, becoming the most popular band in 1995. Two years later, they launched another album "OK Computer", a rock group was the most enthusiastic reviews, and in 1998 won a Grammy, "the most popular rock music" award.

   For all the times in the most popular album and a 1000 poll showed that this band appears in the news media in the highest number, and the first is also the only one in the recent period of time can pose a threat to the Beatles The band's portfolio. Their next album will have to spend a long time recording, the album entitled "Kid A", people generally hope that this album will become the most shocking works. They have relatively secure their existing mode of production, they have to shake off the guitar, performing style may be closer to imagine the atmosphere of the space-age band Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream, and so on. Although Radiohead for the more-mixed reviews, but this band in

第1个回答  2008-09-17
Radiohead are an English alternative rock band from Oxfordshire. The band is composed of Thom Yorke (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, piano, electronics), Jonny Greenwood (lead guitar, other instruments), Ed O'Brien (guitar, backing vocals), Colin Greenwood (bass guitar, synthesisers) and Phil Selway (drums, percussion). Since 1993, Radiohead have released seven studio albums. The band have sold over 25 million albums as of 2007.[1]

Radiohead released their first single, "Creep", in 1992. Their debut album, Pablo Honey, followed in 1993. "Creep" was initially unsuccessful, but the song became a worldwide hit when reissued a year later, and the band were almost branded as one hit wonders. Radiohead's popularity in the United Kingdom increased with the release of their second album, The Bends (1995). The band's textured guitar atmospheres and Yorke's falsetto singing were warmly received by critics and fans. Radiohead's third album, OK Computer (1997), propelled the band to greater fame worldwide. Featuring an expansive sound and themes of alienation from the modern world, OK Computer has often been acclaimed as a landmark record of the 1990s.

The release of Kid A (2000) and Amnesiac (2001) saw Radiohead reach the peak of their popularity, although the albums divided critical opinion. This period marked a change in Radiohead's musical style, with their incorporation of avant-garde electronic music, Krautrock and jazz influences. Hail to the Thief (2003), which mixed guitar-driven rock with electronics and contemporary lyrics, was the band's final album for their record label, EMI. Radiohead's seventh album, In Rainbows (2007), was first released independently as a digital download for which customers selected their own price, later meeting with critical and chart success.本回答被提问者采纳