

1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.
2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month.
3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.
4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking.
5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think it's good for my health.
6. What's the matter? I have a cold. I' sorry to hear that.
7. I'm not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon.
8. She has a toothache, she should see a dentist.
9. It's important to eat a balanced diet.
10. Everyone gets tired sometimes.
11. What are you doing for vacation? I'm babysitting my sister.
12. When are you going? I'm going on the 12th.
13. I'm going to Tibet for a week. ------ Have a good time.
14. How long are you staying? For about three weeks.
14. Who are you going with? I'm going with my friends.
15. How's the weather? = what's the weather like? It's sunny today.
16. This time I want to do something different.
17. He thought about going to Greens or Spain. But decide on Canada.
18. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.
19. Can I ask you some question about your vacation? Yes, sure.
20. She's leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday.
21. How do you get to school? I get to school by subway. = I take the subway to school.
22. How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.
23. How far do you live from school? I live ten miles from school
24. Can you come to my birthday party on Friday? Yes, sure, Sorry, I can't.
25. I'm more outgoing than my sister.
26. My friend is the same as me.
27. Liu Ying isn't as good at sports as her sister.
28. She's a little more popular than me.
29. We are both quiet. We both have black eyes and black hair. We both enjoy going to parties.
30. He is good at school work; She is good at playing basketball.
31. I think a good friend can make me laugh.
32. I like to have friends who are like me. I like to have friends who are different from me.
33. How do you make a banana smoothie? Peel three bananas, cut up the bananas, put the bananas and the yogurt into the blender, pour the milk into the blender, turn on the blender, drink the smoothie.
34. How many tomatoes do we need? We need two tomatoes.
35. How much cinnamon do we need? We need two teaspoons of cinnamon.
36. Finally mix it all up.
37. Put some relish on a slice of bread.
38. Here's a recipe for a great turkey sandwich.
39. How was your school trip? It was really boring.
40. Did you go to the zoo? No. I didn't. I went to aquarium.
41. Were there any sharks? No, there weren't. but there were some really smart seals.
42. Did Tina buy a souvenir? No, she didn't, her friend Grace bought a souvenir.
43. Tina met a famous actor.
45. Tina got Jack Denis's autograph.
46. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.
47. How was your day off? It was really boring.
48. Did you have fun camping?49. I didn't have a very fun day.
49. Maria won the first prize in yesterday's singing competition,
50. When was he born? He was born in 1973.
51. Who's that? That's Deng Yaping, she's a great Chinese ping pong player.
52. How long did Charles Smith hiccup? He hiccupped for 69years and 5 month.
Unit 12
1.迟些时候 later on
2. 电话给… ring up
3. 天气如何? How is the weather today? /
What is the weather like today?
4. 新年快乐!Happy New Year!
5. 你也一样。The same to you!
6. 今天真冷啊!How cold it is today! What a cold day today!
7. (祝你)过得愉快!Have a great time!
8. 多糟糕的天气!What bad weather!
9. 下雨天阅读更好。
It’s better to stay at home and do some reading on rainy days.
10. 谢谢您的收听。Thanks for listening.
11. 这些鲜花多美丽啊!How beautiful the flowers!
12. 他们学习多努力啊!How hard they study!
13. 他跑得多快啊! How fast he runs!
14. 这坏天气会持续很久吗?Will the bad weather last long?
Unit 13
1.电话里) 请稍等。Hold on, please.
2.恐怕我要晚一点。 I am afraid I may be a little late.
3.她现在不在。She isn’t here at the moment.
4.我能为你带个口信吗?Can I take a message for you?
5.我会转告他的。I will give him the message.
6.留下口信。leave a message 7. 取出来。 take out
8. 跟…一样 the same as … 9. 翻转过来 turn over
10. 她打电话是要…She is calling to tell…
11.你能来参加我的聚会吗?Can you come to my party?
12. 别忘了告诉Jim。 Don’t forget to tell Jim.
13.谢谢你邀请我。Thank you for inviting me.
14.没有关系。It doesn’t matter.
15.一切都准备好了。Everything is ready.
16带着微笑 with a smile 17.目前 at the moment
18.寻找 look for 19.除了…空无一物 there is nothing but…
There is nothing but twenty desks in the classroom.
There is nobody but Mr. Zhang in the office.
There is nothing but a card in the box.
Don’t forget to bring your books here tomorrow.
24.请你叫他打电话给我。Could you ask him to call me, please?
25.没时间想。There is no time to think.
26.别迟到了。Don’t be late.
Unit 14
1. 多久一次how often
2. 你多久回家一次? How often do you go home?
3. 少于less than 4.超过 more than
5.请把一块蛋糕递给我。Could you pass me a piece of cake?
6.多么美味的食物啊!What delicious food?
7.请随便吃点鱼.Help yourself to some fish.
8. 在学期末 at the end of the term 9.上演话剧 put on a play
10. 不在学校be away from school
11. 请找Ann听电话.May I speak to Ann, please?
Unit 15
1. 坐下 take a seat 2. 要么…要么…either…or…
His birthday is either on Monday or on Wednesday.
Neither Jim’s father nor his mother likes playing basketball.
Neither of Jim’s parents likes playing basketball.
6.一些英国风味的东西 something English
7.我很高兴你喜欢它.I am happy you like it.
8.一点 a bit of
9.你还要点别的吗?Would you like anything else?
10.以…而出名 be famous for
11.他惹我们发笑.He made us laugh.
12.我们应该保持桌子干净.We must keep the table clean.
Chocolate is good for our health. Do you agree?
14.这一定更加美味.It must be much nicer.
15.我喜欢中国茶什么都不加.I like Chinese tea without anything in it.
16.他们经常吃土豆.我们也是.They eat a lot of potatoes. So do we.
17.我认为这是不对的.I don’t think this is right.
Would you like some butter with your bread?
2. 最受欢迎的食物之一(最多人吃的食物之一)
one of the most popular food
3. 广州是中国最美丽的城市之一。
Guang Zhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
4. 李东是我们班最高的学生之一。
Li Dong is one of the tallest students on our class.
5. 与 …不同 be different from
6. 汉语与英语不同。 Chinese is different from English.
7. 对 … 有益(害) be good( bad) for
8. 游泳对健康有好处。 Swimming is good for our health.
9. 早上读英语对我们很有用。
Reading English in the morning is useful for us.
10. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 或者 help sb. do sth.
11. 玛丽经常帮助她母亲做家务。
Mary often helps her mother with the housework.
Mary often helps her mother do the housework.
12. 同意(某人的意见) agree with
13. 我们都同意你的意见。 We all agree with you.
14. 一定是(必定是)must be
15. 那个高个子一定是李明的父亲。
16. The tall man must be Li Ming’s father.
17. 他们的房子里的灯亮着,他们一定在家。
There are lights in their house, they must be at home.
Unit 16
1. 一直走直到你来到…Go on until you reach…
2. 转左 turn left
3. 在第二个交叉路口转右
turn right at the second crossing=take the second turning on the right
4. 你不会错过的.You can’t miss it.
5. 在…途中 on one’s way to
6. 等待wait for
7. 怎么了?What’s the matter? What’s wrong with you?
8. 请问到邮局怎么走?
Can you tell me the way to the post office?
= Can you tell me how to get to the post office?
= Can you tell me which is the way to the post office?
= Can you tell me how I can get to the post office?
9. 他也许知道.He may know. ( Maybe he will know.)
10. 这将花费你大约半个小时.It will take you about half an hour.
11. It takes sb. + 时间+ to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事
12. 我每天做英语作业要花半小时。
It takes me half an hour to do my English homework every day.
13. 我们最好乘公共汽车去.We’d better catch a bus.
14. 它也许在你的口袋里.It may be in your pocket.
15. 四周看看 look around
16. 他四周看看,但什么都没看见。He looked around, but saw nothing.
17.五分钟的路程 five minutes’ walk
从我家到学校有20 分钟的路程。
It is twenty minutes’ walk from my to school.
18 在…末 at the end of在…月底 at the end of the month
Unit 17
1. 你必须更小心一点.You must be more careful.
2. 当你下车,你不能推别人.
When you get off the car, you mustn’t push others.
3. 如果你开车太快,你也许会发生意外.
If you drive too fast, you may have an accident.
4. 站成一排 stand in line
5. 上车 get on
6. 6.在…的开头/结尾 at the head/ end of
7. 嘲笑laugh at
8. 他做错了你也不该笑他。
9. You shouldn’t laugh at him when he did it wrong.
10. 抓住某人的胳膊 take’s one’s arm
11. 直到才 not …. until
12. 他直到做完作业才吃东西。
He didn’t eat anything until he finished his homework.
13. 犯错误 make a mistake
14. Kate在她的作业中做错了很多。
Kate made many mistakes in her homework.
15. 把到处扔 throw … about ( throw…. here and there)
16. 我们不应该到处扔东西。
We mustn’t throw about anything.
17. 他弟弟经常把书到处扔。
His brother often throws the books about.
= His brother often throws the books here and there.
18. 向某人抱怨某事(某人) complain to sb. about sth.
19. 那位母亲向老师诉说他儿子。
The mother complained to the teacher about her son.
20. 和某人为某事吵架 quarrel with sb. about sth.
21. 过得快乐 have a good time= enjoy oneself
22. 上星期我们在晚会上过得很愉快。
We had a good time at the party last week.
= We enjoyed ourselves at the party last week.
23. 下周如果不下雨,我们将去参观动物园。
I f it doesn’t rain next week, we will go to visit the zoo.
= We will go to visit the zoo if it doesn’t rain next week.
24. 如果我有空,我会帮你复习功课的。
If I am free, I will help you with your lessons.
25. 对某人来说有必要做某事 It’s necessary for sb. to do sth.
26. 你患了重感冒,你有必要去看医生。
You got a cold. It’s necessary for you to see the doctor.

Unit Eighteen
1. I don’t feel very well. 我感觉不舒服。
2. I have a headache. 我头疼。
My head hurts.
I have a pain in my head.
3. She didn’t feel liking eating things. 我不想吃东西。
I didn’t feel like drinking a glass of beer. 我不想喝啤酒。
4. dream about\ of 梦到和….有关的东西
5. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep, I dreamt that I went to the garden.
6. I dreamt that I was busy planting trees all night long.
be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
I was busy writing letters last night.
Tom is busy getting ready for his exams.
7. There was a terrible storm. 有一场很猛烈的风暴。
8. We had to work for hours to stop the ship from going down.
stop sb\sth from doing sth 阻止……做某事
We must stop the young man from killing himself.
Nothing can stop us from working hard.
9. try to do sth = try doing sth 尽力做某事
Please try to relax before you go to sleep.
10. He wanted to be a great singer, but he became a doctor instead.
I didn’t go to see the film, I watched TV at home instead.
=I didn’t go to see the film instead of watching TV at home.
11. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.
How often do you have a break at school? Every forty- five minutes
She went to visit her aunt every other week.
12. look over 检查
The doctor looked him over carefully last week.
Unit Nineteen
1. a visit to Monkey Island 猴岛之行
2. bring some food for picnic 为野餐带些食物
bring 带来 Bring me some water.
take 带走 He will take his son to the museum next Sunday.
carry 携带 He always carries a camera with him.
3. the farther one 比较远的 the farthest one 最远的
Beijing is farther than Zhenou from Guangzhou.
4.pull it out of the water 把它从水里拉出来
pull it up from the water 把它从水里拉上来
5.We are all by ourselves.= We are alone.就我们这些人。
6.It’s too heavy to carry. 太重了不能提起来。
too….to 太….而不能
The water is too hot to drink. 这水太热了不能喝。
The man is foo fat to run fast. 这人太胖了而跑不快。
He is too young to go to school. 他太小了而不够年龄上学。
=He is so young that he can’t go to school.
=He is not old enough to go to school.
7.sooner or later 迟早
If you don’t do exercise, you’ll fall ill sooner or later.
8. run after跟着….跑 run away跑开、逃跑
9. eat up 吃光
10. get sth back 取回
The children got their basket back.
11. I can hear something. 我能听到一些东西。
I can’t hear anything. 我没听到什么。
Can you hear anything? 你能听到什么?
I can here nothing. 我什么也没听到。
12.Are you coming with us? 你将和我们一起去吗?
13. We have never been there before. 我们以前从没去过那。
They have been to Paris. 他们曾去过巴黎。
14. We’ll start early in the morning.我们一大早就出发。
15. I feel a little afraid. 我感到有点害怕。
Are you afraid of tigers? 你害怕老虎吗?
She was afraid to see you again. 她害怕再见到你。
16. Is there anyone else on the island? 岛上还有别人吗?
Would you like angthing else? 你还想再要别的吗?
What else did she say? 她还说了些别的什么?
17. It’s time to go home now, or we’ll be late.
It’s time for class. 该是上课的时候了。
=It’s time for us to have class.
Or 或者
Put on your coat, or you’ll catch a cold.
Work hard, or you can’t pass your exam.
Hurry up, and you can catch the early bus.
Unit Twenty
1. use it all by myself 完全由自己使用它。
do sth by oneself 自己做某事
He often plays computer games by himself. 他经常自己玩电脑游戏。
John did some cleaning by himself last Sunday.
2. have cancer 患有癌症
3. He oten smokes.=He smokes a lot. 他经常吸烟。
4. make you happy使你高兴 make you sad使你伤心
5. a page from a student’s diary 来自学生的一页日记
6. be asleep 睡着了 go to bed 去睡觉
When I came back last night, mother was asleep.
It’s time to go to bed. 该是睡觉的时候了。
7. wake up 醒来
He wakes up very early every day.
Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning.
8. make faces 做鬼脸
9. I can ’leave her by herself. 我不能把她单独留下。
Don’ t leave him by himself. 别把他单独留下。
10. She looked at me and cried harder and harder.
The woman looks older and older. 这位女士显得越来越老了。
He runs faster and faster. 他跑得越来越快。
Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.
11. Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. 每天他都要较小动物中的一只给他带来吃的东西。
make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
His story made all of us laugh. 他的故事使我们都笑起来。
12. He told me not to bring you anything to eat.
My parents often ask me not to swim in the river.
The teacher told us to play football on the playground.
13. They’re all places of great interest in China.
a place of interest 名胜古迹
They visited some places of interest in that country.
14. With these words the tiger jumped into the river.
With these words, he left the room.
=After he said these words, he left the room.
He left the room with a smile. 他笑着走出房间。
He was writing with a pencil. 他在用铅笔写字。
I am going to finish the job with my friends.
15. Your parents must be worried. 你的父母一定很担心。
The light is on now, he must be in the room.
第1个回答  2008-08-17
I. language goals (语言目标)
1. Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率。
2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions.
3. Talk about future plans.
4. Talk about how to get to places.
5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons.
6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.
II. Key Phrases (重点短语):
1. how often 多长时间一次
2. junk food 垃圾食品
3. a lot of 许多
4. hardly ever 很少
5. start with 以…开始
6. try to do sth. 试着去做某事
7. look after 照料
8. be kind of unhealthy 有点不健康
9. once a day 一天一次
10. twice a month 一个月两次
11. be good for 对…有好处
12. once in a while 偶尔
13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙医
14. get a cold / fever 感冒/发烧
15. have a stomachache 肚子疼
16. have a toothache 牙疼
17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
18. lie down and rest 躺下休息
19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶
20. be stressed out 紧张
21. listen to … 听…
22. get tired 变的疲劳
23. keep healthy 保持健康
24. at the moment 此刻;目前
25. watch TV 看电视
26. play basketball 打篮球
27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹
28. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友
29. relax at home 在家放松
30. sports camp 运动野营
31. something interesting
32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing
33. go away 离开
34. get back to school 返回学校
35. stay for a week 呆一个星期
36. go bike riding 骑自行车兜风
37. takes walks 散步
38. rent videos 租录像带
39. sleep a lot 睡得多
40. think about 考虑
41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane
42. get to 到达
43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共车/飞机/小船
44. train / subway / bus station 火车/地铁/公共车站
45. bus ride 乘公共车的旅行
46. ride a bike 骑自行车
47. bus stop 公共汽车站
48. on foot 步行
49. leave for 离开去…
50. school bus 学校班车
51. the early bus 早班车
52. be different from 与…不同
53. half past six 六点半
54. in North America 在北美洲
55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐
56. need to do 需要做…
57. more than 多于
58. play soccer 踢足球
59. baseball game 棒球比赛
60. school team 校队
61. come over to 过来到…
62. the day after tomorrow 后天
63. be good at 擅长于…
64. two years ago 两年前
65. be outgoing 外向的
66. all the time 一直
67. in some ways 在一些方面
68. look the same 看起来一样
69. talk to everyone 与大家谈话
70. make me laugh 使我笑
III. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型:
Unit 1:
1. -What do you usually do on weekends?
-I usually go to the movies.
2. -What does he sometimes do on weekends?
-He sometimes surfs the Internet.
3. How often do you exercise?
I exercise once a week.
4. How often does she eat vegetables?
She eats vegetables three times a day.
5. Most of the students go to the beach every year.
6. It makes a big difference to my grades.
7. My eating habits are pretty good.
Unit 2:
1. What’s the matter?
What’s wrong?
What’s the trouble?
2. I’m not feeling well. I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat.
/I have a lot of headaches.
3. Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist.
You should drink some hot tea with honey.
4. You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.
5. Don’t get stressed out. It will make you sick.
6. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
Unit 3
1. -What is she doing for vacation?
-She is babysitting her little sister.
-That sounds nice / interesting.
2. -When are you going?
-I’m going on Monday.
3. -Where are they going?
-They are going to Tibet.
4. -Who is she going with?
-She is going with her parents.
5. -How long is he staying.
-He is staying for a week.
6. -How is the weather there?
-I’m hoping the weather will be nice.
7. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June.
8. Have a good time.
Unit 4:
1. -How do you get to school?
-I get to school by bus.
2. -How does he go to work?
-He usually walks to school.
3. -How long does it take?
-It takes about twenty minutes.
4. -How far is it from his home to school?
-It’s three miles.
5. What do you think of the transportation in your town?
Unit 5:
1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday?
-Sure, I’d love to. / I’m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson.
2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday?
-No, she can’t. She has to help her mom.
3. -Can you go to the concert on Monday?
-When is it?
-It’s at four o’clock on Friday.
4. Thanks a lot for the invitation.
5. I’m going to study for a test this evening.
6. What’s the date today?
Unit 6
1. Pedro is funnier than Paul.
2. Tina is (a little)taller than Tara.
3. I am more athletic than my best friend.
4. My hair is longer than hers.
5. Liu Ying is not as good as her sister.
6. In some ways, we look the same.
7. For me, a good friend likes doing the same things as me.
8. I’m quieter than most of the kids in my class, and so is my friend.
9. Who do you think should get the job, Ruth or Rose?

IV. Grammar语法:
Unit 1:
1. 表频率的词汇和短语:
always usually often never hardly ever
sometimes seldom once a day twice a month
three times a week every two weeks once in a while
2. 做事情的频率(how often you do things):
-What do you usually do in the morning?
-I usually read English books. Sometimes I walk in the garden.
I hardly ever exercise. I eat vegetables twice a week, but I never eat junk food.
3. 如何提问频率“多久一次”
-How often does he play tennis?
-He plays tennis every day.

-How often do you drink milk?
-I drink milk once a day.

-How often do they go to the movies?

Unit 2:
1. 询问别人身体状况:
What’s wrong with you?
What’s the matter with you?
What’s the trouble?
2. 提出建议(give advice and make suggestions)
-What’s wrong with you?
-I have a headache.
-You should go to bed and have a rest. You shouldn’t work late.
-I have a fever.
-You should drink a lot of water. You shouldn’t be stressed out.

Unit 3:
1. 现在进行时“be+动词ing”可以用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。
-What are you doing for vacation?
-I’m visiting Tibet.
-Where are you going on May Day?
-I’m going to the beach.

-How many students are coming to out party tomorrow?
2. “be going to +动词原形”表示主观打算去做某事,表示“人”打算,计划,决定要去做的事。
They are going to travel in China.
Look at the clouds! It is going to rain.
-Are you going to be a teacher when you grow up?
-Yes, I am.
3. 用“shall+动词原形”或“will+动词原形”表示一般将来时。
We shall go to the beach this Sunday.
My brother will finish middle school in a year.
These birds won’t fly to the south in winter.
When will they begin the work?

Unit 4:
-How do you get to the museum?
-I get to the museum by subway. Sometimes I ride my bike to the museum.
(1)take the bus = go by bus
eg: I take the bus to get to school.
= I get to school by bus.
take the train = go by train
eg: He takes the train to go to school.
He gets to school by train.
take the subway = go by subway
take a taxi = go by taxi
go in a car = go by car
ride a bike = go by bike
walk = go on foot

1. How does Lucia get to work? (提问方式“如何”)
2. Dave is going to travel to Paris by plane. How long does it take?
3. How far is it from the post office to the museum?
4. How often does Kate swim in the river? (提问频率“多久一次”)
5. How old is the little boy? (提问年龄“多大”)
6. How many cows are there? (提问数量“多少”many后跟可数名词)
7. How much water is there in the bottle?
8. How much is the doll?
9. How tall is his teacher?
10. How was the weather?
Unit 5
练习用“Can …? ”发出邀请,接受或拒绝并给出原因:
-Can you come to my party on Monday?
-Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a test.
-Can she go to the movies?
-No, she can’t. She has to do her homework.
-Can he go to the football game tomorrow?
-No, he can’t. He has a driving lessons.
-Can they go to the concert tonight?
-No, they can’t. They are visiting their uncle.

Unit 6:
I. 形容词比较级的构成:
1. 一般单音节词末尾加-er。
tall-taller great-greater
2. 以不发音的e结尾的单音节词和少数以-le结尾的双音节词只加-r。
nice-nicer large-larger able-abler
3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er。
big-bigger hot-hotter
4. “辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加-er。
easy-easier busy-busier
5. 少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词末尾加-er.
clever-cleverer narrow-narrower
6. 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more来构成比较级。
important-more important beautiful-more beautiful
bad-worse ill-worse
old-older / elder
far(远的)-farther / further

II. 比较级句型:
1. 比较级+than … …比…较为
A +动词+形容词比较级+than+B.
I am older than you.
Mary is happier than Jane.
His brother is younger than I(me).
Beijing is more beautiful than Wuhan.
My sister has longer hair than Tara.
Her mother is thinner than her father.
Jack is taller than Tom.
2. as…as
My uncle is as tall as your father.
Tom is as honest as John.
My dog is as old as that one.
A…+not+as+形容词原级+as+B 表示A,B两者程度不同,即A不如B那么…
My uncle is not as tall as your father.
Tom is not as honest as John.
This jacket is not as cheap as that one.
3. the same as 与…相同。
My friend is the same as me. We are both quiet.
A good friend likes to do the same things as me.
第2个回答  2008-08-17
Welcome back to school!
It does not matter.
Here is a card for you with our best wishes.
Happy Teachers' Day!
Why don't you···?
That's a good idea.
We're going to···
What are you going to do?
I'm afraid I've no idea.
May I call you Huifang?
Let's discuss it.
I agree.
Why don't we buy one?
I'm going to die!
It's going to be more fun.
Why not?
It takes too long.
They have some problems getting there.
That's what they are selling at the store.
How about 6:00 tomorrow evening?
Which one would you like?
Thanks for your e-mail!
It's like our Thanksgiving.
They taste a little like our pies.
Thanks for asking/having us.
Would you like a mooncake?Yes,thank you.
May I have a taste?
Let me walk with you.
What do you have to do.
My job is to feed the animals.
I have a friend to help me.
When they stop,he stops.
May I speak to···?Speaking!
What's up?
Work must come first!
What do you think?
I don't know what to do.
Excuse me.Where's the···?
All the six students do as the teacher says.
It is about two hundred metres from his home.
I'm sorry to hear that.
May I ask you some questions?
Is this your first visit to China?
What's the date today?
Will it last long?
I hope he will come.
How long were you away from school last year?
What's the trouble?=What's the matter?=What's wrong?
It makes me happy when my friends come to see me.