高中英语作文,两百词,题目Our life 在线等,急急急

高中英语作文,两百词,题目Our life 在线等,急急急求大神帮助,尽量多用复合句和高级词汇,急急急

In modern society, we may feel that people are more indifferent to others than before. We have telephones, computers, and electrographs. As it is too convenient to communicate with our friends, we may often forget to get in touch with them. We make our living in a hurry. In that case we miss many things really valuable in our life, such as friendship. If other people around us are unconcerned about us, we may feel left behind and lonely. So we should make friends and nurture friends we do have. Why do we need friends especially in modern society? In the first place, friends can bring us many practical benefits. We need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. The famous Chinese writer, Ba Jin, wrote in his essay that friends were his saviors. When his life was miserable and gloomy, his friends gave him sympathy, love, joy and tearsfriends can lead us to new advantages, new opportunities and new life. We exchange our points of view and then get a boarder outlook and become more thoughtful. We complement each other with our own strengths and then become stronger and more powerful. In the second place, owning friends is our emotional need. We need friends to talk to and listen to us; we need friends to play with and share our joys and tears; we need friends to understand us and keep our secrets. Owning friends means that we have somebody to care about, to love, to help. This feeling that we’re needed and loved fulfills our hearts and makes us don’t feel lonely. Once I came across the following words by a French philosopher, “Survival in this world is inseparable from generosity, without which we would perish and become dried-up from within. We must put forth flowers. Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life.” If we don’t have friends, our hearts will be empty and we will be dried-up from within. Many people always talk about how many benefits they can acquire from their friends. But I think how many benefits our friends can get from us are also important. One’s power lies in one’s ability to give. To some extent, we need friends because they need us. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. With my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share. They bring happiness and colors to my life. I think that’s the reason why we need friends.
第1个回答  2016-12-22
how to make our life more colourful
when i was a kid , life was really enjoyable and colourful .and i could always find something real funny around me . and i enjoied myself without realizing time . my world could only be some toys ------actually it is not toys , just something i created , cause why ? because i can always find something real funny and that is enough for me .
however , you know that good things can never always accomplish with you . And either me , along with time 's leaving , everything changed .the elder , and the more i am going to suffer . the more i wondered to avoid the fact , the more i am going to be lurched .
as time's going on , life seems to be no longer colourful , it is boring and an awful song to me !i understood it immediately . want your life to be colourful , you must first have no fear about things around your life . with a real brave heart , to face it , to chanllenge it and life will be colourful again !本回答被提问者和网友采纳