

1. ORIGIN(起源)
Qing Ming Festival originates from the story of Jie Zi Zhui, a loyal servant who saved his lord's life in ancient China. When the lord became a ruler, Jie preferred a hermit's life with his mother.
2. LEGEND(传说)
Legend has it that Jie saved his lord by offering a piece of his own leg when the lord was starving. Later, when the lord became a ruler, he wanted to reward Jie, but Jie refused and chose to live in seclusion.
3. TRAGEDY(悲剧)
The lord, attempting to bring Jie out of hiding, ordered the mountain to be burned. Unfortunately, Jie chose to stay and was burnt alive. To remember Jie's loyalty, the lord decreed that no fires should be lit on the anniversary of Jie's death, leading to the creation of the "Cold Food Festival."
The Cold Food Festival falls on the eve of Qing Ming and is often seen as an extension of the Qing Ming Festival. Over time, Qing Ming replaced the Cold Food Festival. Regardless of the practices, the essence of Qing Ming is to honor ancestors by visiting their graves, ashes, or ancestral tablets, and to share stories like Jie Zi Zhui's, emphasizing his determination and bravery.
In modern times, the Qing Ming Festival is primarily celebrated by visiting graves, cleaning tombstones, and paying respects to ancestors. It is also a time for family gatherings and reflection on the lives and legacies of departed loved ones, while recalling the spirit of loyalty and integrity exemplified by figures like Jie Zi Zhui.