

第1个回答  2022-07-22

  软实力,是相对于国内生产总值、城市基础设施等硬实力而言的,是指一个城市的 文化 、价值观念、社会制度等影响自身发展潜力和感召力的因素。那么你知道软实力用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。


  soft power

  软实力的相关 短语 :

  中国软实力 chinese soft strength ; China's soft power

  文化软实力研究 Research on Cultural Soft Power

  构建软实力 construct soft power

  软实力因素 factor of "soft power"

  制度文化软实力 System Cultural Soft Power

   企业文化 软实力 corporation culture soft power

  军事软实力 military soft power

  区域软实力 regional soft power


  1. The Formation of the Mainland's'soft Power " and " Image "

  大陆 “ 软实力 ” 与 “ 大陆形象 ” 塑造.

  2. South Korea's discovery of soft power almost by accident.

  韩国偶然发现了它的“软实力 ”.

  3. It even provides the party a tool for advancing soft power abroad.


  4. But soft power is not only about content.


  5. Neither American hard nor soft power is fading.


  6. Chinese State Media Goes Global: A Great Leap Outward for Chinese Soft Power?

  中国国营媒体走向全球: 中国软实力的一次突飞猛进?

  7. But perhaps because of the recent anti - Chinese history, China prefers to play down any soft - power influence.

  但可能由于印尼的排华历史, 中国选择了低调并淡化其软实力的方式.

  8. Its development should take the non - economic developing pattern with the embodiment of soft cultural power.

  哀牢文化的开发,应是体现文化软实力的 非经济 开发模式.

  9. The article is significant because Xinhua is at the centre of one of China's soft - power strategies.

  这篇 文章 之所以重要,是因为新华社在中国的软实力战略中处于中心地位.

  10. With a situation like that, it's impossible for China to raise its soft power.

  在这种情况下, 中国增加软实力是不可能的.

  11. So in all three key dimensions of power - economic, military and soft - China is stepping up its game.

  因此在综合实力的三个主要方面(即经济 、 军事和软实力),中国正在加快它的脚步.

  12. Therefore , we must completely and importance of national cultural soft power and manage to enhance it.

  要全面增强我国的综合国力,实现中华民族的伟大复兴, 必须稳步提升中国文化软实力.

  13. Barack Obama is a soft power president. But the world keeps asking him hard power questions.

  奥巴马是位奉行软实力外交的总统, 可世界尽是些硬实力外交难题纠缠着他不放.

  14. Beijing already is using its soft power to limit America's role in the region.


  15. He believed that enterprise's soft strength already more and more became attracts talented person's important attribute.
