
我想请问一下 密歇根州立的[传媒学院]下分为哪几个系?

还有...大二以后分科后 不同系所学的专属课程内容分别是什么?

拿出所有积分来感谢帮助我的人 谢谢~~~

正好昨天刚申了一个学生,读新闻的,给你介绍一下,学院下本科的专业有:Advertising;Communication;Communicative Sciences & Disorders;Journalism;Media Arts & Technology;Media & Communication Technology;Retailing;Telecommunication, Information Studies & Media这几个.
课程列表的话各个专业是不同的举例来看Advertising这个专业共有课程:CLA 140 Greek and Roman Mythology
CLA 160 Myth, Legend, and JRR Tolkien
CLA 360 Ancient Novel in English Translation
ENG 101 Cross-Cultural Literature
ENG 106 Contemporary Life/Literature
ENG 108 Children’s Literature
ENG 110 The Comic Impulse
ENG 120 Great Books of Western Lit
ENG 121 Shakespeare on Page & Screen
ENG 142 Chillers and Thrillers
ENG 153 Introduction to Women Authors
ENG 203 Genres and Themes
ENG 204 North American Literature
ENG 205 British Literature
ENG 206 Contemporary Literature
ENG 221 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG 231 Film and Literature
ENG 265 Classical Myths and Literature
ENG 266 Literary Interpretation of the Bible
ENG 342 Popular Literary Genres
ENG 344 Jewish-American Literature
ENG 349 African-American Literature I
ENG 350 African-American Literature II
ENG 351 Chicano/Latino Literature
ENG 352 Asian American Writing
ENG 353 Women and Literature
ENG 354 Native American Literature
ENG 360 Postcolonial Literature and Theory
ENG 361 Asian Literature in English
ENG 363 African Literature
ENG 366 Irish Literature
ENG 375 American Fiction
ENG 379 American Women Writers
ENG 460 British Literature
ENG 463 Studies in Literature of Africa
ENG 464 Studies in Literature of Asia
ENG 469 Topics in Comparative Literature
ENG 477A Comparative Epic Oral Tradition
ENG 483 Literature and Medicine
FRN 340 Intro. to reading French Lit.
FRN 355 French Literature in English
GRM341 German Literature before 1918
GRM342 German Literature since 1918
ITL 350 Introduction to Italian Literature
SPN 350 Intro. to Reading Hispanic Lit.
RUS 231 Russian Literature in Translation
LL 352 Asian American Writing
LL 361 Asian Literature in English Translation
TE 348 Children’s Literature
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