

Ancient 用作形容词时,指的是古老的或古代的,而作为名词,它指的是老年人。下面,我们将探索 ancient 这个单词的用法和知识点。
- **Adjective:** Referring to something from a long time ago, ancient evokes the sense of age and history.
- **Noun:** When used as a noun, ancient refers to an elderly person.
- **Ancient Chinese:** Refers to the language or culture of ancient China.
- **Ancient Times:** Signifies a period long past in history.
- **Ancient City:** A city with a long history, often with historical significance.
- **In Ancient Times:** Used to describe events that occurred in historical periods.
- **Ancient Greece:** Refers to the time in Greek history known for its philosophy, art, and architecture.
- **Ancient Greek:** The language spoken in ancient Greece.
- **Ancient Civilization:** Refers to advanced societies from ancient times, often with complex social structures and cultural achievements.
- **Old, Ancient, Antique:** These words all relate to age but have specific meanings.
- **Old** is a general term for something that has been around for a long time.
- **Ancient** is used for things that are very old and often refers to historical periods.
- **Antique** refers to items of an earlier period, especially those considered valuable or of interest because of their age or rarity.
- **Ancient people worshipped gods.** (古代人崇拜神灵。)
- **This is an ancient parable.** (这是一个古老的寓言。)
- **Jerusalem is an ancient city.** (耶路撒冷是一座古城。)
- **His specialty is ancient French.** (他的专长是古法语。)
- **We should read ancient authors.** (我们应该阅读古代作家的作品。)
1. 初中九年级英语知识点总结