

三月三英文是 the Double T
hree F

The Double-Third Festival is an old festival. It is popular for both the Han people and many other ethnic groups. As for its orgin,one story says that the Double-Third Festival was exactly the ancient Shangsi Festival,which was on the first si day of the third month in the Chinese lunar calendar in ancient times. Some said that it came from the Dinner Party at the Qushui River of the Zhou Dynasty(1046BC-221BC).Others said that it came down from the custom of a ceremony to get rid of the evils by bathing in the river.


On which people would hold a sacrificing ceremony on the riverside to honor their ancerstors, and then take a bath in the river with berbs to get rid of the filth from their bodies. Followed that is attractive-young men and women would go for a spring outing and romance,and its wonderful scene was vividly described in Shi Jing(The Book of Songs).