有什么难过 为什么难过 是哪首歌的歌词


泡沫 - 邓紫棋

编曲:Lupo Groinig
监制:Lupo Groinig
阳光下的泡沫 是彩色的
就像被骗的我 是幸福的
追究什麼对错 你的谎言 基於你还爱我
美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
但爱像泡沫 如果能够看破 有什麼难过
早该知道泡沫 一触就破
就像已伤的心 不胜折磨
也不是谁的错 谎言再多 基於你还爱我
美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破 有什麼难过
再美的花朵 盛开过就凋落
再亮眼的星 一闪过就堕落
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破 有什麼难过
为什麼难过 有什麼难过 为什麼难过
全都是泡沫 只一刹的花火
你所有承诺 全部都太脆弱
而你的轮廓 怪我没有看破 才如此难过
相爱的把握 要如何再搜索
相拥著寂寞 难道就不寂寞
爱本是泡沫 怪我没有看破 才如此难过
在雨下的泡沫 一触就破
当初炽热的心 早已沉没
说什麼你爱我 如果骗我 我宁愿你沉默
第1个回答  2014-10-15
第2个回答  2014-11-08
the greatest shock and surprise of any event in my
adventurous life. Even now, after this long interval,
I find myself thrilling as I think of it, and feeling once
more that sudden flood of joy, amazement, and incredulity
which utterly submerged my mind. Let me say to that public
which has shown some interest in those glimpses which I
have occasionally given them of the thoughts and actions of
a very remarkable man that they are not to blame me if I
have not shared my knowledge with them, for I should have
considered it my first duty to have done so had I not been
barred by a positive prohibition from his own lips, which
was only withdrawn upon the third of last month.