英语 把中文翻译成英文 英文翻译成中文 谢谢.

1.what will you do in america? 我去美国参加夏令营。
2.why not other countries? 因为我同学在美国。
3.have you been abroad before? 没有。
4.why do you want to go with summer camp? 因为我希望能够提高英语能力,也希望能够了解美国的风土人情,交美国朋友。
5.how did you find out about this program?是老师介绍的。
6.how do i know that you will come back to china?我父母在中国,我要和他们继续生活,而且我要在中国完成学业。
7.do you parent own their home?有,我住在黄埔雅苑四期三a座十九a
8.you are young to us? 不会,我住过校,自理能力较好,会配合好老师。
9.please tell me about summer camp schedile

帮忙翻译 不要在网上翻译的那种 不准确

1你去美国干什么?I go there for a summer camping
2为什么不是其他国家?Because one of my schoolmate is there
4你为什么想参加那个夏令营?Because I want to improve my english abiliy ,and experience America's customs,make some foreign friends
5你是怎么发现这个活动的?My teacher told me
6我怎么知道你还会回中国?My parent are here,I will living with them,and I have to finish my study in my school
7你家里有自己的房子吗?yes,my home address is HuangPuYaYuan ...(不知道怎么说)
8你有经验吗?No,but I once live in school along,i can take care of myself.And get on well with my teacher.