

外国的编辑们从好莱坞早期的电影中选出了大部分的台词,十个最佳引言中有六个都来自30年代和40年代,最近的一条选自1994年汤姆-汉克斯(Tom Hanks)的《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump),“生活就是一盒巧克力一样。”


1、原文:“Bond,James Bond.”-Sean Connery,“Dr.No”


2、原文:“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.”-Humphrey Bogart,“Casablanca”


3、原文:“It’s not the men in your life that counts,it’s the life in your men.”-Mae West,“I’m No Angel”


4、原文:“I’ll be back.”-Arnol Schwarzenegger,“The Terminator”


5、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?.”-Jean Harlow,“Hell’s Angels”

第1个回答  2013-08-03
这篇 希望帮到你 是蜘蛛侠2里的故事发生在“蜘蛛侠”打败“绿色恶魔”的两年后,彼得·帕克远离自己挚爱的女友玛丽·简,继续过着平淡而充满刺激的双重生活,白天他依旧是温文尔雅、有些木讷的大学生,晚上则化身成为拥有无限超人力量、除暴安良的蜘蛛侠。不过彼得·帕克却越来越难以平衡这种双重性格,周围的人开始怀疑他的身份,甚至很多人对其开始猜疑和误解。彼得·帕克一直生活在矛盾中,他希望向玛丽表白自己的爱恋,更希望能够跟她坦诚自己的真实身份。另外,彼得发现好友哈里·奥斯本对蜘蛛侠杀了他的父亲,一直耿耿于怀,身陷仇恨,不可自拔……与此同时,一场失败的实验使一位被称为“章鱼博士”的天才科学家变得偏激和疯狂,为了夺取权力和钱财,“章鱼博士”耍出各种手段,让他成为令蜘蛛侠最头疼的敌人。蜘蛛侠为了阻止这位疯狂科学家的恶行,开始了又一场惊心动魄的冒险之旅……Peter Parker''s having a rough time. His double life as the superhero Spider-Man is having a devastating impact on his civilian life. Things are so bad he declares that he''s quitting, and never putting on the suit again. However, his sense of duty forces him to become a hero again when the brilliant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is deformed in an accident and becomes Dr. Octopus. With four metal tentacles sticking out of his back, he''ll prove to be a more than worthy opponent for Spider-Man.影片片段:Peter: Now what?Peter: Doctor Octavius. We have to shut it down. Please tell me how.Octavius: Peter Parker! Brilliant but lazy!Peter: Look at what''s happening. We have to destroy it.Octavius: I can''t destroy it. I won''t.Peter: You once spoke to me about intelligence. That was a gift to use for the good of mankind.Octavius: A privilege.Peter: These things have turned you into something you''re not. Don''t listen to them.Octavius: It was my dream.Peter: Sometimes to do what''s right we have to be steady and give up the things you want the most, even our dreams.Octavius: You''re right. He''s right. Listen, listen to me now.Peter: Now, tell me how to stop it.Octavius: It can''t be stopped. It''s self-sustaining now.Peter: Think!Octavius: Unless...the river! Drown it! I''ll do it.Peter: Hi!MJ: Hi.Peter: This is really heavy.Peter: MJ, in case we die...MJ: You do love me.Peter: I do.MJ: Even when you said you didn''t.Octavius: I will not die as a monster.