
Inventory is material that the firm obtains in advance of need, holds until it is needed, and then uses, consumes, incorporates into a product, sells, or otherwise disposes of. A business inventory is by its nature temporary; that is, the firm expects to hold an individual item as inventory for a relatively brief period of time. However, due to the ongoing nature of the firm's operation, aggregate or total inventory is continually being reordered and restocked. The net effect of these ongoing processes of usage and replenishment is that the firm retains a "permanent investment" in inventory. In other words, individual units come and go, but the firm generally maintains some amount or level of total or aggregate inventory. These inventory assets can be as important to the financial structure of the firm as is investment in, for example, plant and equipment.
Inventory management and control consists of developing good answers to the following questions:
A. Which items will the firm carry as inventory?
B. Where in the logistics system will these inventories be maintained?
C. How large will the inventory for each item be?
Inventory by its nature is dynamic over time. For a typical item with a long product lifetime, inventory stocks rise with replenishment actions and fall with usage or consumption. Decisions about the size of the inventory are therefore implemented over time by monitoring and adjusting the sizing and the timing of inventory replenishment quantities to bring about the desired average or aggregate inventory size. The larger issue here is to determine what an appropriate or correct inventory posture might be for the firm. To answer this question, the analysis must carefully consider:
A. The benefit provided by the inventory. That is, what purpose does the inventory serve, and what is the value of that service?
B. The total cost of the inventory. Many of these costs are obvious, but some others are not. An understanding of the true costs associated with inventory is essential.
C. Other logistics options that could be used in place of inventory. For example, it may be possible to replace an investment in inventory with premium or high speed freight service.A key insight to consider here is that inventory is can often be viewed as a cost-reduction tool. The real purpose of inventory is to reduce the total costs involved in the operation of the logistics system. There is usually a way to reduce the level of inventory in a system, but sometimes these alternatives are simply too costly. This is another way of saying that sometimes holding inventory is the cheapest and best way to solve a logistics problem.

库存材料是该公司取得在前进的需要,持有,直至它需要的,然后再利用,消耗掉,纳入一个产品,出售,或以其他方式处分。商业库存是由它的性质临时,即是该公司预计,将在一个单独的项目,作为库存,为一个相对短暂的时间内。但是,由于目前企业的性质的行动中,总计或总库存正在不断被重新排序,并restocked 。净效果这些正在进行的过程中的使用情况和增资是因为公司保留了一个"永久投资"的存货。或者换句话说,个别单位来来去去,但公司一般都保持一定金额或级别的全部或累计库存。这些库存资产可以作为重要的金融体制的稳固,因为是投资,例如,厂房及机器设备。