帮忙 翻译一下这段文章

In order to cope with the Chinese cultural tradition, Matteo Ricci and his colleague Michael Ruggieri had, from the beginning taken Chinese names, posing us traveling monks from India Ricci also assumed another Chinese name, “Xi Tai” in addition to his formal Chinese name of Li Madou, to suggest he had come from a place west (“Xi” in Chinese) of India. However, from the first time they practiced their religious missions in Zhaoqing of Guangdong, the two “Indian monks” found themselves facing an antagonistic public. They, on August 10, 1583, Matteo Ricci and Michael Ruggieri obtained the local government’s approval to stay as resident missionaries in Zhaoqing. This did not change the hostility of the local people, who considered them agents of the “foreign devils” in Macao and even attacked their houses.
Under such conditions, Matteo Ricci tried to make himself appear as an enthusiastic admirer of Confucian doctrine and a follower of Chinese traditional rites in order to win friends among local officials and intellectuals in Zhaoqing. He managed to attract the attention of Chinese scholars by displaying his attractive Western books, a world map drawn by himself and various astronomical instruments made with his own hands. The missionary library of Zhaoqing, set up by Ricci and Ruggieri as China’s first language library, created an impression on many Chinese intellectuals who admired the printed and bound books displayed there. Of these, the book which drew most attention from the visitors was the two-volume Canon Law with its covers finished in gold letters. These impressively-finished books led the Chinese to feel a new respect for Western culture and science, sensing the superiority of the West in the field of knowledge.

为了要应付中国的文化传统、 Matteo Ricci 和他的同事麦可有的 Ruggieri, 从那开始拿中国的命名, 摆姿势也旅行来自印度 Ricci 的修道士的我们假装的另外中国的命名, " Xi Tai" 在附加到他的正式中国的李 Madou 命名, 建议他来自一放置西方 (" Xi" 在中国的) 印度。 然而, 从第一次他们熟练的他们的宗教性任务在广东的 Zhaoqing, 这二个 " 印第安人修道士 " 发现他们自己面对一反对的民众。 他们, 在 1583 年八月 10 日, Matteo Ricci 和麦可 Ruggieri 在 Zhaoqing 对停留获得了地方政府的赞成如居民传教士。 这做不变化当地居民的敌意, 考虑过的他们 " 外国的魔鬼 " 的代理人在澳门和甚至攻击他们的房子。
在如此的情况, Matteo Ricci 试验过的使他自己出现当做一个儒家教义的狂热钦佩者和一个华人传统的仪式从者为了要赢朋友在地方之中官员和在 Zhaoqing 的有知识者。 他设法吸引注意华人学者藉由显示他的吸引人西方人书, 一张世界地图憔悴的独自和各种不同的天文学的器具制造与他自己的手。 那传教士 Zhaoqing 的图书馆, 由 Ricci 建立和 Ruggieri 当做中国的第一种语言图书馆, 产生印象在多数上华人有知识者赞美那印刷的和范围书显示在那里。 这些, 那书哪一个引起来自访客的大多数的注意用它的掩护是二册教会法完成的在黄金中信。 这些令人印象深刻地-完成的书引导那华人感觉一新的尊敬为西方人文化和科学, 测知西部的优越在那领域知识。
第1个回答  2008-04-03
为了配合中国传统文化,利玛窦和他的同事迈克尔ruggieri了,从一开始就采取的中文名称,冒充我们行和尚从印度利玛窦还承担了另一个中文名字, "喜泰"除了他的正式中文名称李madou ,表明他是来自一个地方西( "兮"字在中文)的印度。不过,从他们第一次实行自己的宗教使命,在肇庆的广东省,这两个"印度和尚" ,发现自己所面对的是对抗性的市民。他们对1583年8月10日,利玛窦和迈克尔ruggieri得到当地政府的批准留任为驻地传教士在肇庆。这并没有改变敌视的当地人士表示,他们认为他们的代理人的"洋鬼子"在澳门,甚至攻击他们的房屋。