我一个人在家 英语这么翻译可以吗

1 我一个人在家

I am alone at home 、 I am at home alone 应该都可以吧

2 am at home 没问题, I am home 这个表达也是 ,很常见。辞典也有类似例句

I am home 是不是 强调 有回家这个动词的意思呢? I am at home 只是说在家。。两者区别大么?谢谢

3 你把Tom 一个人留在家里了吗?你不知道这很危险吗?

4 你把 他们俩 / 他们三个 都留在车里了吗?

5 你把 Tom ,Jack ,Alice 都留在公园里了吗?

6 你把 Tom ,Jack 送到学校了吗?


英语翻译,谢谢,括号内是 情况说明。不需要翻译。呵呵

2.两者都可以,home的词性不同罢了。顺便说一下,不要相信免费的或是网上的辞典,官方的可以查看牛津或者朗文。另外,I am home alone中be类动词am已经表达了状态,所以不可能再表示动作。如果要表示动作的话,会用come home,go home等。
3.Did you leave Tom at home alone?Don't you know that it is risky to do that?
4.Did you leave them both/all in the car?
5.Did you send (both) Jack and Tom to school?追问


I am at home alone 这个alone 应该是 副词,做状语吧。。这里应该是alone副词用法吧


你把 他们俩 / 他们三个 都留在车里了吗?
Did you leave them both/all in the car?
这个翻译,体现不到 他们俩 / 他们三个 , 呵呵


好吧,应该是另外一位高手童鞋翻译的Have you left both of them /all three of them in the car?

第1个回答  2012-11-26
第一题楼主的分析不错,两者区别不大。3.Do you leave Tom at home alone?Don't you know that it's very dangerous to do so? 4.Did you leave both of them/all of them three in your car?5.Did you leave Tom,Jack and Alice in the park?Did you send Tom and Jack to school?
第2个回答  2012-11-25
alone一般用在句尾,一般说 I am at home alone ,比较符合英语说话顺序习惯
第3个回答  2012-11-26
第1 I am at home alone.第2 There is just a little difference .第3 Have you left Tom home alone?Have you known it very risky?第4 Have you left both of them /all three of them in the car?第5 Have you left ...all in the park?第6.Have yo u sent Tom andTack to the school ?
第4个回答  2012-11-25
1I am at home alone.2there is just a little difference .3Have you left Tom home alone?Have you known it very risky?4 Have you left both of them /all three of them in the car?5 haveyou left ...all in the park?6.Have yo u sent Tom andTack to the school ?