


After a swan egg was hatched by a duck in its steamed dumpling, it was regarded as an ugly duckling because of its distinctive appearance. Therefore, since the eggshell climbed out, it was beaten everywhere, excluded and ridiculed, not only in ducks, but also in chickens. Everyone wants to get rid of this poor ugly duckling. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and even the maid who fed the chickens kicked him. So he flew over the fence overnight and ran away.

He came to the ducks and was asked not to marry them. In the swamp, he met two naughty geese. The geese asked him to make a migratory bird with them. In the other swamp, there were some lovely ladies. He could take his chance. While they were talking, they suddenly heard two gunshots, two wild geese fell into the reed and died. They were killed by hunters.

He had to flee the swamp again to a farmhouse, because he could not lay eggs like a hen, nor arched his back like a kitten to emit Mimi calls and sparks, and was asked not to have a different view. But the ugly duckling still thinks he can think differently. He wants to swim in the water. When he saw the beautiful swan flying from the ice-free lake, the ugly duckling could not help feeling an unspeakable excitement.

It was because he thought he could have different ideas that he chose to fly to the swan. He thought it would be better for him to be killed by a swan than to be bitten by a duck, pecked by a flock of chickens, kicked by the maid in charge of the chicken farm and suffered in winter. He came to the swans. He was seen as the most beautiful swan. He feels so happy, but he is not proud at all, because he has a good heart that will never be proud.










参考资料来源:百度百科—丑小鸭 (安徒生著童话)

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
The ugly duckling is actually talking about the jorney it been through to find her mother. This is a horrible expierence. Also we can tell from this story, we should respect to others but not laugh at them. At last the ugly duckling becomes the prettiest swan, and flies to the sky.
第2个回答  2012-12-18
When the tale begins, a mother duck's eggs hatch. One of the little
birds is perceived by the duck’s surroundings as a homely little
creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse from the other birds
and animals on the farm. He wanders sadly from the barnyard and lives
with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. He then
finds a home with an old woman but her cat and hen tease him mercilessly
and again he sets off on his own. He sees a flock of migrating wild
swans; he is delighted and excited but he cannot join them for he is too
young and cannot fly. Winter arrives. A farmer finds and carries the
freezing little bird home, but the foundling is frightened by the
farmer’s noisy children and flees the house. He spends a miserable
winter alone in the outdoors mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that
partly freezes over. When spring arrives a flock of swans descends on
the now thawing lake. The ugly duckling, now having fully grown and
matured cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship any more and
decides to throw himself at the flock of swans deciding that it is
better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of
ugliness and misery. He is shocked when the swans welcome and accept
him, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that he
has grown into one of them. The flock takes to the air and the ugly
duckling spreads his beautiful large wings and takes flight with the
rest of his new family.